
Joan Laporta’s discreet message on FC Barcelona’s interest in Nico Williams

Joan Laporta’s discreet message on FC Barcelona’s interest in Nico Williams


Now that the Eurocopa and the America’s Cup are over, Clubs can focus entirely on strengthening their squads during this summer transfer window for the 2024/25 season and advance in the negotiations that are underway or that are planned to begin. In this sense, FC Barcelona can focus on finding the necessary mechanisms to conclude the acquisition that seems most important for this summer: the left-wing player of Athletic Club, Nico Williams.

In this sense, the president of the Barcelona entity, Joan Laporta, made a brief statement about the interest of the Catalan casting for the Pamplona striker. However, the principal chose to be a little more comical in his statements compared to his most recent testimony, where he said in “El matí de la Radio de Catalunya” that many liked the “17” of the Spanish selection. Likewise, he added that “At the moment, Barça can sign a player of Nico Williams’ level. It is the result of several years of work”.

Athletic Club’s respect for Joan Laporta

On this occasion, Laporta was less conclusive in his statement on the subject and limited himself to saying in statements to ‘Què t’hi Jugues’ in a curt manner: “We have great respect for Athletic Club Bilbao”. These words were spoken as he got into his car to leave the inmediaciones of the Ciutat de la Justícia, where he was to appear before a judge as a witness in a case of alleged aggravated fraud in the now-defunct Reus Deportiu.

These statements do not reveal the possible wishes of FC Barcelona, ​​which is following Nico Williams very closely, the one who had a truly sensational Eurocopa, being champion with the Spanish national team and leaving good records with two goals and an assist. This is one of the main offensive arguments of ‘El Rojo’. However, if the Barcelona group wants to secure the services of the smallest of the Williams brothers, it will have to pay a termination clause of 58 million euros to Athletic Club and, of course, agree on contractual conditions with the extreme Pamplona, ​​whose market value goes into frank promotion.