
If you had to stop using plastic for a month, could you do it?

If you had to stop using plastic for a month, could you do it?

If you had to stop using plastic for a month, could you do it?

Plastic has brought many societal improvements; it has also become a default packaging product for companies that would rather not make changes.

Beyond Plastics is an organization promoting a “Plastic Free July.” This initiative coincides with a campaign to pressure banks to reduce their investments in fossil fuel companies. This hour, we’ll discuss local efforts to combat plastic and fossil fuels.

Our guests:

  • Jim Bearden, retired sociologist and Third Act volunteer
  • Melissa Carlson, an environmental activist working on bills to reduce plastic use in New York State
  • Alexis Goldsmith, National Organizing Director for Beyond Plastics
  • Samantha Romanick, Ph.D., postdoctoral researcher in biomedical engineering at the University of Rochester