
Has your child’s pick-up location changed? LPSS announces new bus routes

Has your child’s pick-up location changed? LPSS announces new bus routes

  • LPSS officials announce new bus lines
  • The Lafayette Parish School System has unveiled new bus routes coming at the start of the 2024/2025 school year. Parents are advised to check back for new routes and pickup locations.


The Lafayette Parish School System has announced new bus routes for students in the 2024-2025 school year. The new routes are intended to accommodate changing curricula and attendance at several schools.

According to the Lafayette Parish School System (LPSS), students enrolled in the gifted program will now receive bus service. Students enrolled in the immersion program at Scott Middle School will now be picked up at a satellite location.

“At the end of last school year, we had to deal with some program changes. The gifted program moved from Paul Breaux High School to Edgar Martin High School, and the immersion program moved from Paul Breaux High School to Scott High School. This resulted in some route changes,” said Ross Cloteaux, transportation operations manager for LPSS.

You can check the new bus routes and bus driver information here.

Meanwhile, LPSS has confirmed that Lafayette Parish school buses will be equipped with air conditioning at the start of the new school year as part of a $2 million investment by LPSS.

Cloteaux notes that 115 buses have already been equipped out of the 240 in the LPSS fleet.

“We want our kids to be transported in a cool and safe environment. Early last year, there were a lot of big heat waves that put a lot of people out of action. We can’t wait for your kids to get off the bus without being red, sweaty and just plain exhausted from the heat,” Cloteaux said.

Tracy Wirtz, communications and public relations specialist for LPSS, said LPSS is working to equip 42 additional buses in time for the new school year.

Parents are encouraged to visit the LPSS website to check for new school routes.