
Shocking Number of Democrats Think Trump Shooting Was a Sham: POLL

Shocking Number of Democrats Think Trump Shooting Was a Sham: POLL

A staggering number of Democrats believe Donald Trump’s assassination was staged, according to new polls.

The Republican candidate and former president was shot in the ear when Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire at a Saturday rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, last weekend.

The bullet missed his skull by an inch. It’s a miracle that Trump is still alive, but not everyone was so lucky. One participant was killed protecting his family, and two others were injured.

Many Democrats seem to think it’s a fake.

According to polling data, many Democrats believe the shooting of Trump was staged.

Morning Consult polling data shows that 34% of registered Democrats believe it is “definitely credible” or “probably credible” that the shooting was staged, according to the Washington Free Beacon. Another 18% of Democrats don’t know or aren’t sure if the shooting is real.

You can see all the data in Andrew Kerr’s – one of the media’s top journalists – tweet below.

I will be as clear as possible in my reaction. It is completely insane to believe that Donald Trump or anyone else organized this shooting.

It’s all caught on camera. You can literally see Trump turn his head just before the bullet hits his ear. If he hadn’t turned around, it’s almost certain he would have died.

I’m not even sure I understand the theory that this is a set-up. To believe the conspiracy theory, you have to believe that Trump didn’t hesitate to get shot directly in the head, hoping that the shot would only graze his ear and not pierce his skull.

Does anyone with a functioning brain believe that Trump or anyone else on the planet would agree to someone attempting this shooting? Also, Crooks was shot by a counter-sniper. In this crazy theory, did he agree to be killed to set up a shooting?

Furthermore, innocent people have been killed and injured. This theory would assume that people believe that Donald Trump has no problem with bullets being fired into a crowd of his supporters. This makes no sense.

The video of the shooting is all over the internet. It’s hard to believe that there’s anyone with access to the internet who hasn’t seen it yet. If someone sees this video and still believes it’s fake, they may not be able to help. It was 100% true, and while there are a lot of questions about security flaws that need to be answered, there’s no way it’s fake. Let me know what you think at [email protected].