
Park Township Considers Allowing Food Trucks With New Ordinance

Park Township Considers Allowing Food Trucks With New Ordinance

PARK TWP — Park Township could soon join other local municipalities in allowing food trucks to operate within its boundaries.

The topic came up at the June town meeting, following a growing number of questions from residents, and is expected to be brought up again at a meeting in late July. It also came up following the completion of the township’s new pickleball courts, which opens the door to other events where food trucks could be featured.

Meika Weiss, Park Township’s community development director, said a new ordinance could allow food trucks, which are currently not allowed anywhere in the township, to operate in certain areas.

“Park Township has been receiving more and more questions about food trucks and requests to be able to place them in various locations throughout the city,” Weiss wrote in an email. “This has been something we’ve had to address for a few years as we’ve worked on short-term rentals and the master plan.”

If the ordinance is adopted in its current form, general food trucks would be allowed on commercial properties with operating businesses and on noncommercial properties that are customarily open for public or semi-public uses.

“They would also be allowed for a very limited number of private parties in residential areas, with some restrictions to avoid nuisances,” Weiss said. “Permanent or semi-permanent food truck installations could be approved by the planning commission as a special use.”

More: Where are all the food trucks in Holland? It’s complicated

Provisions would also be made to allow food trucks at block parties and in additional locations during large festivals like Tulip Time.

A public hearing on the ordinance will be held at the July 25 planning commission meeting, where it will either be approved or sent back for further amendments. If approved, Weiss said it will then go to the City Council for approval at its August meeting.

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In Holland, food trucks have long been limited in their availability. In November 2022, the Holland City Council amended its Unified Development Ordinance to give food trucks more opportunities to operate in the downtown area. This change expanded regulations in Holland’s downtown and commercial areas, while maintaining restrictions near residences.

— Contact reporter Austin Metz at [email protected].