
Schnauzer Puppy Who Loves ‘Jumping Into Water’ Gets Inspired Gift From Owner

Schnauzer Puppy Who Loves ‘Jumping Into Water’ Gets Inspired Gift From Owner

A miniature schnauzer puppy has gone viral after her owner shared a cute video of her playing in the ocean on a boogie board.

Meli’s owner explained that her boyfriend gave her adorable pup the toy, which is a sort of surfboard, after realizing that the dog loved splashing around in the water. And they couldn’t wait to see it in action during their beach vacation in Corfu, Greece.

“My boyfriend discovered that my puppy loved jumping in the water, so he bought him a boogie board,” they explained on the dog’s TikTok account (@melitheminischnauzer). And the video was an instant hit, garnering 1 million likes and 6.9 million views.

The video shows the black miniature schnauzer sitting on the board, then immediately jumping into the water.

In the montage, the little dog repeatedly launched himself from the board, instead of staying on it to float.

“This is how she immediately swims back up to jump back in,” the owner wrote in text overlaid on the video.

After his romp in the ocean, it was time to switch to the “Schnauzer straitjacket”: the owners wrapped their wet pup tightly in a towel.

“Straitjacket is needed after,” the owner wrote in the caption.

Commenters were very amused by the pup’s diving skills, and some were surprised that she loves water.

Stock image of a dog on the beach.
Stock image of a dog on the beach. A mini schnauzer has sent the internet into hysterics after his comical jump off a bodyboard was shared on TikTok.

cynoclub/iStock / Getty Images Plus

“Does your mini schnauzer like water??” Nicole asked. “I’m showing this to my mini schnauzer who doesn’t like water,” another user said.

“Stop it, this is so cute,” Nancy said. “I’ll never get tired of this party trick,” another user said.

“So adorable,” Sierra Maytorena said.

Meli clearly loves the water, but miniature schnauzers aren’t natural swimmers due to their small size and build, according to online magazine Dogster. However, they can learn to enjoy the water with proper introduction and training. Socializing them to water from a young age and using life jackets can help them feel safe.

While not all Miniature Schnauzers can swim, those who do will benefit from positive experiences and encouragement. Safety measures, such as supervision and life jackets, are essential to ensure their well-being in the water.

Owners should be vigilant in caring for their canine children at the beach.

According to the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA), rather than forcing your dogs into the water, you should let them choose whether or not to swim. The organization recommends teaching your dogs to swim in calm, shallow water before letting them enter the ocean.

Beachgoers should be aware of strong currents and cold water, as both can be dangerous.

Dogs must be supervised at all times and provided with fresh water to prevent them from drinking sea water.

Newsweek reached out to @MeliTheMiniSchnauzer for comment via TikTok. We were unable to verify the details of the case.

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