
The Vanishing Point – LewRockwell

The Vanishing Point – LewRockwell

Let’s do a little thought experiment today. I apologize if this involves math. Trust me, I got a headache doing it, so bear with me while I regale you with my Quadrivium (reasoning with numbers) training.

Imagine a sphere with a radius of 150 meters, with its center point on a roof (dangerously sloping, of course). The sphere represents everything in a shooter’s field of view, and the radius is the distance from the target to the center point.

Let’s convert this to a circumference (C) measured in feet (ft) (metric fans, you’re on your own):

1 yard = 3 feet, so 150 yards = 150 × 3 = 450 feet

Now, C=2π×450, so C=900π, with π≈3.14159

C≈900×3.14159=2827.43 feet

At this point we can project a 6′ tall man onto the known circumference of our circle, at a distance of 450 feet. This becomes a simple ratio expressed in degrees of angular size relative to the circumference. This gives an apparent angular size of 0.764 degrees of the total circumference.

To convert angular size to inches, we imagine a 12-inch ruler held 12 inches from our collective eye. This approximates the rifle’s sight. This involves a bit of trigonometry, which I barely managed, so I have my bottle of aspirin handy:

Convert the angle to radians: 0.764×(π/180)=0.01334 radians. Then we apply the formula h=12×tan⁡(0.01334). This gives us a result of 0.1601 inches, or 5/32 of an inch.

To visualize what this looks like to someone using iron sights, a 6’1″ man at 150 yards would be about as tall as a stack of 31 (thirty-one) sheets of 80# printer paper viewed from the side. Now factor in wind speed, drag, and ballistic arc (more trigonometry, yuck), which I absolutely refuse to do, and you can appreciate the skill, not to mention exceptional eyesight, required for our hypothetical shooter to cut off the ear of a hypothetical target that is roughly equal to the thickness of a single sheet of printer paper (the head). A human male’s chest is three times as wide as the head, so why not opt ​​for the slightly easier chest shot.

And don’t forget that dangerously sloping roof that even a wheelchair couldn’t fall off!

I did this exercise because many commentators say things like, “Oh, to a good shooter, that’s an easy shot,” or “You can do it with iron sights” (for non-shooters, “iron sights” means no scope). When I was a young shooter (i.e., from Texas), I found it difficult to aim at a target at 50 yards with iron sights. It’s also important for rational people like us to stay focused on the facts and not get distracted by all the other noise that’s designed to keep us from thinking clearly.

Everything we are seeing in the US right now is a scripted plan, probably in place at least since the 2020 election. As I mentioned in a previous article, the idea all along was to eliminate the two frontrunners in the presidential race, between the end of the primary cycle and the conventions, in order to create maximum chaos and subvert the electoral process. This would allow the “elites” to insert their preferred candidates without having to go through all that boring selection process, or follow those boring laws and regulations.

The problem is, Trump is not dead.

Without a Plan B, the Bumbledicks are forced to follow their script, trying to adapt the existing situation to their Evil Plan for World Domination (EWD). Even though Trump got the Buckethead nomination, they have to continue with the EWD, and so they have executed a palace coup, much like how Nikita Khrushchev was removed in 1964, confirming our theory that we are living in the 1960s.

It must also be assumed that they will not stop trying to get rid of the Trump problem, at least until he is sworn in.

We must emphasize that nothing we see or hear in GeezerMedia is true…NothingAll of this is meant to obscure, distract and confuse the uncritical masses. The waves of new crises, events and narratives are used to keep public discourse constantly moving from one topic to another, so that no one can focus too closely on anything. It is up to us to keep gnawing at the bone until we have sucked out all the marrow.

As further evidence that we are following a script, one need only look at the rapid shift from Biden to Harris. Within 24 hours, a letter of dubious origin appeared on TwiX, ostensibly announcing Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 campaign. Harris was immediately replaced, and by Monday afternoon, she had reportedly gathered a critical mass of delegates and seized control of campaign finance to the tune of $91 million. The latter amount was touted as the largest fundraising haul in American campaign history, but in reality, it was simply stolen… er, repurposed funds that do not represent Biden’s campaign. new donations from breathless Dembots who fork over their hard-earned shekels.

Additionally, GeezerMedia has pulled their old Hillary Clinton stunt by publishing “polls” that show Harris already ahead of Trump. Keep in mind that many of these “polls” are using the same dodgy IPSOS data, tweaked a half-dozen different ways to get a predetermined result from the same old crap. Download the data and play around with it. Your results will be all the more valid.

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