
Last day to get Father of Mine for 99 cents

Last day to get Father of Mine for 99 cents

This is an important weekend. Not just because it’s Back Together Weekend (which the NFL keeps trying to turn into an event), but also because the print edition of My son has fallen into my hands. I will take the time to go through each page, each line and each word looking for typos or anything else that needs to be changed, by Friday.

Ready or not, it’s coming September 3rd. And that’s one of the reasons we’re running a week-long promotion My fatherhas only 99 cents for the e-book.

Ninety-nine cents. Nothing can be bought for ninety-nine cents.

For many, reading can feel like a chore, especially in an age of shrinking attention spans and more and more options. It’s also cool, or whatever, that people say they don’t read.

Those who read know the truth. Reading broadens horizons. It opens the brain, words conjuring up mental images of people, places and events.

It also provides an escape from our increasingly shitty reality. Which is helpful.

When you immerse yourself in a good book, you can’t wait to find time to digest another chapter. Since I don’t have the attention span to write long chapters, you can get through one, then another, then another, quickly and easily, back and forth. My father And My son.

Again, until today, My father maybe yours for 99 cents. And My son maybe pre-ordered for $4.99Get them both today for $5.98.

Which is less than a single pack of cigarettes. in most states. And that will last a lot longer than putting 20 darts in your lungs. And that certainly won’t give you cancer.