
WAYNE ROOT: The Tulsi Gabbard story should scare every American. Do you understand how evil, vicious, and out of control the Democrats and the deep state are right now? Can you imagine what the Democrats will be willing to do if they win in November? | The Gateway Pundit

WAYNE ROOT: The Tulsi Gabbard story should scare every American. Do you understand how evil, vicious, and out of control the Democrats and the deep state are right now? Can you imagine what the Democrats will be willing to do if they win in November? | The Gateway Pundit

By Wayne Allyn Root

I have been saying this for over twenty years: “We have a two-party system. The Democratic Party is filled with radical, extremist, Marxist, and communist traitors who want to destroy America. They are pure evil. Inspired by Satan. They are the enemies of good, patriotic Americans. They are the real “domestic terrorists.” But my party, the GOP, is a party of cowards, of incompetents, of cowards who are afraid of their own shadows, and of traitors who pretend to be Republicans but are really playing for the other side.”

That’s true, today more than ever. Except now, it’s true squared times 100,000!

Think about what the Democrats (i.e. radical communist traitors) and the Deep State have done to President Trump and other great American Patriots over the past few years with this militarized government…

President Trump was impeached twice for nothing. He was dogged for his entire four-year term by false accusations. Then corrupt Democrats and the Deep State rigged and stole the 2020 election to prevent him from finishing his job.

Then they persecuted Trump for four years trying to prevent him from taking the White House again. They indicted him four times. They forced him to spend tens of millions of dollars in legal fees. They tied him up in court instead of campaigning. Their rigged judges and juries first tried to ruin him in civil court, then convicted him in criminal court of 34 felonies, with no unanimous verdict.

While all of this failed to stop Trump, it does appear that the Deep State conspired with either our own government, the FBI and Secret Service, or a foreign enemy, or both, to attempt to assassinate President Trump.

Many legal experts now believe that Trump will be sentenced to prison on September 19 by a judge who is a biased and uncontrollable liberal activist with a severe case of “Trump derangement syndrome” and ridiculous conflicts of interest (his daughter has made millions of dollars working with prominent Democrats).

It is impossible to believe that this could happen in America.

Don’t forget what they did to Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon (who is currently in prison).

And the prisoners of January 6, who became political hostages, suffering cruel and unusual punishments.

Jake Lang is one of the most outrageous cases in the history of this country. He spent nearly four years in prison without trial, much of that time in solitary confinement. He was transferred to nearly twenty different prisons in appalling conditions. Now, the vindictive Biden-Harris administration has, without warning, added a new charge to Jake’s case. All because he refuses to settle his case and admit his guilt. They are demanding that he be brought to trial. This is angering the uncontrollable communist tyrants who run our Banana Republic.

But now there is an even more frightening level of extreme use of government weapons: look at what they did to Tulsi Gabbard.

Her story is on a level that could surpass all of the above. Tulsi is a former prominent Democratic congresswoman and former Democratic presidential candidate who humiliated Kamala Harris in the presidential debate. She left the Democratic Party and supported President Trump. She exposed Democrats for what they are: evil communist traitors, bent on destroying our nation.

So how do Democrats react?

Tulsi has been placed on the terrorist list. On every flight, she must undergo massive and constant security checks, including by bomb-sniffing dogs. On every flight, a team of four armed security guards monitor her every move.

These are Nazi Gestapo and Soviet KGB level tactics never before used in American history to such extremes.

Let me ask you… if they are willing to do this to a very high profile and famous former congresswoman and presidential candidate… who is in the media day and night… who was one of their own… knowing that it will become public news… what will they be willing to do to you and me if the Democrats win in November?

If the Democrats have complete control of the government and Trump is permanently out of their way, what will stop them from attacking and destroying the lives of anyone who opposes them, criticizes them, or threatens their power?

How far will they go, if no one stops them? What will come next? Re-education camps? Concentration camps? Martial law? Lockdowns to combat climate change? Banning conservative radio talk shows? Communist trials for conservative hosts? Murder and torture?

I promise you, given what they just did to Tulsi Gabbard, if the Democrats win in November, anything is off the table.

So what can be done to stop this Nazi- and Soviet-style militarization of government? How can we fight fire with fire? How can we support President Trump and his powerful words: “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT”?

I have a working solution. Stay tuned for my comment tomorrow.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Watch Wayne’s new TV show, “The ROOT Reaction” weekdays at 10pm ET/7pm PT on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” Saturdays at noon ET/9am PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch on, or on Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.