
Crescent Capital’s High Yield Dividends Well Covered Despite Interest Rate Sensitivity

Crescent Capital’s High Yield Dividends Well Covered Despite Interest Rate Sensitivity

This article was written by

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Welcome to Cash Flow Venue, where dividends do the heavy lifting! By combining my financial skills with the timeless wisdom of value investing (and a love of steady income), I’ve built a rock-solid pillar of my financial foundation through dividend investing. I believe it’s one of the most accessible paths to financial freedom, and I’m excited to share my insights with you. I’m a finance professional with extensive experience in M&A and business valuation. What does this mean in practice? I’ve valued countless businesses and played a key role in both sell-side and buy-side transactions, guiding clients through the complexities of buying and selling businesses. In my day job, I dive into financial modeling, conduct business and financial due diligence to assess the health of a company, negotiate deal terms, and of course, sit in way too many meetings 🙂 I focus on sectors like technology, real estate, software, financials, and consumer staples — sectors I’ve spent years advising on and now invest in personally. Today, they form the core of my portfolio and coverage on this platform. My motivation for writing on Seeking Alpha comes from a desire to not only deepen my own knowledge, but also to share value with others on a similar path. Dividend investing has played a key role in my financial journey, and I believe it’s one of the easiest and most accessible ways for anyone to work toward financial freedom. By sharing my insights and experiences, I hope to demystify the process, making it more accessible to those looking to build long-term wealth. Ultimately, my goal is to facilitate OUR journey to financial freedom, learning and growing together as we navigate the world of dividend investing.

Analyst Disclosure: I/we have a profitable long position in CSWC stock, either through shares, options or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving any compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

The information, opinions and thoughts contained in this article do not constitute an investment recommendation or any form of investment advice. Furthermore, I am willing to open a position on CCAP during the current week.

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