
CCP Cracks Down on Monopolies, Collects Rs 70 Million in Fines

CCP Cracks Down on Monopolies, Collects Rs 70 Million in Fines

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has stepped up its crackdown on monopolies and collusive practices in various sectors.

As part of a major push to enforce competition laws, the commission is actively pursuing the collection of outstanding fines amounting to Rs 68 billion, with major industry sectors such as insurance, automobiles and telecommunications coming under scrutiny.

For the first time in a year, the CCP has managed to collect Rs 700 crore in fines from industries such as sugar, cement, cooking oil, poultry, paints and beverages. This is a notable achievement in the commission’s ongoing efforts to curb unfair trade practices.

Furthermore, the electronics, glass and e-commerce sectors have become the target of misleading marketing strategies, further underlining the importance the Commission attaches to the protection of consumer rights.

Despite these advances, the CCP faces considerable difficulties in recovering hundreds of billions of rupees in penalties due to legal battles. There are currently 559 cases pending before the courts and appeals courts, with key industries such as sugar, telecommunications and cement embroiled in long-running disputes.

The sugar sector alone owes Rs 44 billion in fines, while the telecom and cement sectors are liable for Rs 11 billion and Rs 6.3 billion respectively.

To complicate matters further, 54 cases are pending before the Supreme Court, with additional cases awaiting resolution before the appellate courts and high courts in Lahore, Sindh, Islamabad and Peshawar.

The CCP has now undertaken efforts to expedite hearings in these cases to ensure that justice is served swiftly and sanctions are implemented effectively.