
Häufiger Hochwasser in the Rosenheim region? It was the climates and a wetter expert that were there

Häufiger Hochwasser in the Rosenheim region? It was the climates and a wetter expert that were there

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Häufiger Hochwasser in the Rosenheim region? It was the climates and a wetter expert that were there
If you are the person in the region, who is here in the Raublinger Ortsteil Kirchdorf, can you set a high washer? DWD-Wetterexpert Lothar Bock gibt im OVB-Gespräch seine Einschätzung ab. © Diana Babic/Sönmez

In those years there are strong rainfalls that people in the region would buy. Überschwemmte Keller, Gärten and Straßen were die Folge. Were solche Extremwetter-Ereignisse now that new Normal? A Wetter-Experte clarifies.

Rosenheim – Sowohl Anfang Juni als auch Mitte September bereiteten enormous rainfall and people in the great Sorgen region. Raubling, Rohrdorf, Nußdorf, some of our communities, were hit vom Hochwasser. Müssen wir damit in Folge des Klimawandels nun häufiger rechnen, fratten sich vadere nach diesen Extremwetter-Ereignissen. In the region of the world, the climbing hikers of other climates can get a German boost, so that the man in the Alpenvorland can get a small little warning.

Hochwasser in the “nichts Neues” region

Denn: Selbst die Hochwasser in der Regio in diesem Jahr regen nor in den Normbereich. “The weather conditions are consistent with the climate change that can be achieved in the region,” said Lothar Bock, Regional Climate Manager Munich at the German Water Service (DWD). “It’s not a new thing,” he says. A Vergleichbares Ereignis who died in September was born in Bad Reichenhall in the year 1899. If you make a new start, you can get a man from the relevant search dates, but he is unable.

If you consider that the forecast for the Alpenraum will often be long. Climate models are available for savings. The Mittelmeerraum würde de Klimamodelen in Zukunft trockener, erklärt der Wetter-Experte. In Nordeurope it became a day of tendencyziell feuchter. “It is natural to eat,” said Bock. “And science is a bisschen herum.” Bock right that the time in the region is even better in the next 20 to 30 years. More Wetter-Extreme and the strongest climbing trails in the region will not be available until after the year 2050.

Extreme Hitze never auch in the Region zu

If I were confused by the extreme weather conditions, I would recognize that the temperature increases. “It is always warmer, even in Zukunft,” said Bock. “Und with the warm temperatures of the Hitzeextreme.” So go and experience the Anzahl der Hitzetage pro Jahr in Rosenheim. See some Folgen in itself. Einseits schmelzen the Glacier, the vegetation starts in the Frühjahr deutlich früher and attacked the people at the height of the Hitze with health problems when camping.

Was Bock auch ohne the Klimawandel deutlich ist: „We are immer anfälliger.“ The Bevölkerung will last longer and longer, but man immer more Fläche be- and versiongeln. “We had grown up in a few areas, we were not happy with it.” Man always has a climate, but the human being himself spoke a Rolle, said Bock.

Climbing hike in the region: Respekt, aber keine Panikmache

If the heat and temperature conditions on the climaerwarmt and the climbing walk appear at the wahrnehmung of man of the Wetter-Experten affected by beddeutung. “Man has a strong impact on performance,” said Bock. It could be said that sin is a thing of the past with this theme. Man is at the Ereignis of the Gefühl, that is a phenomenon that has developed. “Once the goal is achieved, the Deutscher Wetterdienst will no longer be like that.”

Bock’s statement is clear: “Wir in Germany, even if the climate change is grim or the environment is grim, that has been changed.” Here we are not the extreme who live in other countries, that we will end up in the mittleren Breiten. “I am discovering an autumn in Zukunft ein Klima, which is active in southern France and northern Italy. And that is the individuality of the states that Urlaub will be machen.’ In other states, the German economy may be developing, but the climbing air may be flowing through the air. “Man sollte respect de climawandel haben, aber keine Panikmache bereiben”, says Bock ab.