
Riskante Einsätze and Gewalt: Polizist Maxi Z. in interview

Riskante Einsätze and Gewalt: Polizist Maxi Z. in interview

    Fortbildung for USK: A demonstration would be realistic.

Who are erleben Polizisten riskige Einsätze? Was the schärfer’s power a social climate with ihnen? Darum can be found in “Allein zwischen den Fronten – Die Dokumentation”.08.11.2024 | 29:15 min

It would be a social climate among the einsätzen, verbal and corperliche gewalt: Everything that is a police worker has never received any impetus. Polizist Maxi Z. is a leader of the Bayern commissioners and are leaders in risky ball games, raids and demonstrations in the Einsatz. The ZDFheute interview focuses on the best experiences in Job, a group with experiences and experiences, but the Veränderungen are sich wünscht.

ZDFheute: Do you have a police income that is not heavily taxed?

Maxi Z.: Einsätze mit Verletzten of der getöteten Personen, aber auch Ereignisse wie der G20-Gipfel, die über kostenlose Tage strecken. And if you’re human with the extreme violence you encounter, it’s normal to get more time.

Maxi Z. (36) is an experienced Zugführer at Unterstützungskommando, Kurz USK, the Special Forces of the Bavarian Police. If USK always comes then zum Einsatz, if the Gewaltrisiko does one of the following things: at Grossdemonstrations, Hochrisikofußballspielen or Razzien. Maxi has been at USK for 13 years. Zum Identitätsschutz is the name of the police commissioners who have not been identified.

ZDFheute: Was power das mit Ihnen? In uniform, even as a human being?

Maxi Z.: The nourishment for one’s own life, for one’s own Leib is a way to live and man is the best thing there is, but not in all cases. It’s a small human – if all goes well, it’s the first time it’s a selber trifft. Man thinks he likes it, it is worth the effort of others.

ZDFheute: What was your opinion for the Polizeilaufbahn eine Vorstellung Davon, was it there?

Maxi Z.: When I encounter an older house and a man who notices the Wahn, the aggression and the anger of the mobs, this is often the case. When man tastes a world, which is a normal man, he is actually hidden.

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ZDFheute: Emphasis on the consideration of the police in gewissen gesellschaftlichen Structures als gestört?

Maxi Z.: I think it’s an erased structure. The police operate with their function of monopoly and allow the state to end, often in an art and another kind of institution.

There is a part of the Population, it is very located, the state is like mountain riffles and is rolled. People will often choose for themselves when they stand still.

Maxi Z., Polizist at Unterstützungskommando Bayern

ZDFheute: Who is personally responsible for supervising and supervising the implementation of the implementation?

Maxi Z.: Man must always be conscious of himself, that man is faced with the brunt of society. And once that is the case, then man is no longer glauben and man becomes lost.

ZDFheute: The police themselves are often critical when criticizing them. Gerade Spezialkräfte die USK als martial, de Körpereinsatz is robust.

Maxi Z.: If you go to Einsatz, if Mr. Müller and Mr. Huber the Kragen wollen and “Mediation” and the white Fahne no longer help. Letztens endes since wir dann oft gezwungen, Gewalt einzusetzen, damit sie sich – bildlich geprochen – nicht den Kopf einschlagen. It can be expanded and trained. Although there is often criticism, we will come across situations that have fallen a bit stubbornly into the Brunnen.

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ZDFheute: Do you want to know whether the police often make misunderstandings?

Maxi Z.: There was a trifft, it is so that the situation would change in the context. Even if the police are challenged in the aftermath of the demonstrations, as rude, as overprotective – otherwise the entire situation is exposed. The police will also find the medial passage. There is more than a demonstration during a demonstration.

ZDFheute: Dennoch is often a man who has the power of the police, because he is unable to carry out the dialogue himself.

It is certainly the case that the police and Transparenz will receive more information.

The police are only just dealing with politics and the law of politics, while the natural state of the police in a constitutional state is that the man is at the center of society and people act in a transparent manner.

ZDFheute: Can and may the police use a fronten-drauss-abzubauen?

Maxi Z.: A greater wish of ours, the Einsatzkommunikation, also Transparenz unserer Maßnahmen durch Lautsprecherdurchsagen, weiter forciert wird. Even if the people involved are not affected, some people will recognize that the police are acting here.

I wish I would be happy with the society, that is why democracy is more important.

When you know that your life has been turned into an art and art, the political power is a dominant power.

The interview with Julia Lösch, the author of “Allein zwischen den Fronten – Die Dokumentation”.

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Quelle: ZDF

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