Ich bin C-Level at N26: This is the best tip for maximum efficacy

Carina Kozole, Chief Risk Officer at N26, focused on the financial affairs of the Kindheitstraum Bankkauffrau, which took on the role of risk management of the Neobank. Erfahrt, who is it in a male dominant branch of the seasoned hat and which also leaks for an effective Arbeitstil gelernt hat. Unless all details are with BI+

Carina Kozole was appointed Chief Risk Officer at Neobank N26 a year ago. This war lasts for 20 years in various roles at the Unicredit Bank-tätig.

In an interview with Business Insider, Kozole said that projects would be carried out in the karriere and that they would be included in the typical “Mutterfalle”.

Your best career tip: There’s nothing wrong and there’s no tomorrow.