Was man aus der Geschichte lernen kann

Started is a Kriege-rasch. Bendet niece. A fried gift is now a new weight of financial resources.

Camouflierter Dissens: The harmful British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (left) with the American President Harry S. Truman and the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and the Konferenz von Potsdam, 1945.

Camouflierter Dissens: The harmful British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (left) with the American President Harry S. Truman and the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and the Konferenz von Potsdam, 1945.


The Art of the Friedenschliessens is the Kriegführenden schon in Ersten Weltkrieg lost. Von dauernden Ordnungsprinzipien wie dem Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker wardamals die Rede. The world for democracy itself has been strengthened. Das war der Anspruch. The Pariser Vorortverträge 1919/1920 were all so mangelhaft, that the Nachkrieg bale Vorkrieg wurde. Knapp zwanzige years later, in the summer of 1939, Hitler took a war from Zaun, while he was bald by the world war.

Paris 1919/1920 war of the last major European conflicts of the world. A photo was taken of the Schlusspunkt an Entwicklung, which began with the Frieden von Münster and Osnabrück (1648), was fortified in Utrecht (1713), in Paris and Hubertusburg in 1763, and in Vienna in 1815. In Paris 1919/1920 the Sieger sassen über die Besiegten zu Gericht. The Siege of the State State may contain a body of written texts and hints.

Both Main Problems of the Conference, the German and the Russian Frage, remained unsolved. In 1945 there was no question of a Beispiel for a Friedensschluss. It takes a long time before Kriegsende hatte sich Hitler von der Politik disappears. Frieden mit Britannien “auf der Basis der Teilung der Welt” war für ihn, die in de Reichstagsrede vom July 1940 ausführte, nur zu seinen, für all others gänzlich inakzeptablen Bedingungen voorellbar. First after the Selbstmord Hitler’s were Verhandlungen möglich.

The Potsdam Conference in August 1945 ended with an international law report and a communiqué, while the dissensions of the United States, Great Britain and Russia were camouflaged. Der Streit über Reparationen, de Geschichte von millionenfacher Flight und Vertreibung gehören zu den fatalen Folgen. The Ordnung von Yalta (and Potsdam) has for four years shaped the world into a free and unfree atmosphere, brought the enlightenment of the Eastern and Eastern European countries and a core of the atomic Pax: the war is so undisturbed that the Krieg has become a war.

Lightweight of Power

We would like to know more about the history of the British version of Friede von Utrecht (1713) de best Anhaltspunkte für die Kunst des Friedenschliessens. The war in England is a non-eigennütziger Vermittler. Nor in der Mitte des 17. Jahrhundert’s war dies in a world for itself. First information about Glorious Revolution 1689 Wilhelm III. von Oranien, the most bitter Gegner Ludwigs XIV., the English Thron best, erwuchs the Sun King a real Gegenspieler.

Utrecht shed the Voraussetzung for the great Jahrhundert Englands, for dessen Rolle as Schiedsrichter Europas. Friede von Utrecht wrote on the principle of the «Balance of Power» zum first Mal in a völkerrechtlichen Vertrag als Grundsatz fest. Great Britain has dams including Gibraltar, Ceuta, Oran. Der Sonnenkönig should take a look at the Thronprätendenten of Haus Stuart in the area.

The last Erschütterung went beautifully three days ago. Frederick II. von Preussen kam ohne Kriegserklärung aus, in 1740 Maria Theresia herausforderte and seine Truppen in Schlesien einmarschieren lies. There is talk of the Standpunkt, the man who has left the schwächen of others, puts on his anger and does not like Vorsicht on the Schlachtfeld. Schwere Verluste in August 1759, der überstürzte Rückzug über die Oder and total Erschöpfung liessens Preussens Lage mehrmals fast aussichtslos erscheinen.

Auch im Siebenjährigen Krieg kämpfte der Preussenkönig mit dem Rücken zur Wand. The British Bundesgenossenwar led to the Kräfteverlagerung on the North American Kriegsschauplatz and the Vordringen of the British Flotte in the Ohio Valley along the Hudson River, which was dominated as the Waffenbrüderschaft with the Preussenkonig. Friedrich reflects that “the tap on the safe is not visible and a better head on the door than the toll box is visible”.

Frederick II. in a portrait from 1763: Der Preusse war ein König des Krieges.

Frederick II. in a portrait from 1763: Der Preusse war ein König des Krieges.


Fried aus Erschöpfung

The Siebenjährige Krieg war is an Erschöpfungskrieg. The first was a war against Tod der Zarin Elisabeth in January 1762 and the accession to the throne of Peter III., a glühenden admirer of the Preuse Kings, under the situation. Peters Gattin and Nachfolgerin Katharina remained happy, the von Preussen ersehnten Waffenstillstand in May 1763 to Schliessen. Russia hates Austria. Der auf Sachsische Vermittlung hin auf dem Jagdschloss Hubertusburg 1763 geschlossene Vertrag war ein Erschöpfungsfrieden auf der Basis des besthenden Zustands.

The Vienna Congress of 1815 took place in the Napoleonic Kriege and was so much fun that the Consequences of the Französische Revolution zurückzubuchstabieren. Seine Prinzipien was legit, weight thinking and konvenienz. A start has been made on the national economy and a European time trial.

Metternichs Taktieren zwischen 1809 und 1812, dem Jahr der Katastrofe von Napoleons Russlandfeldzug, war volendete Strategy, die Staatskunst en Kriegshandwerk with other connections. Letztlich were also those Züge, which conveyed the coarse Korsen zu Fall. Bismarck has found the idiosyncratic conqueror of Metternichschen Systems. The German duel forces of 1864, 1866 and 1870/1871 were the common «Long War». Everything is calculated and a political policy is pursued.

A major problem with the frictions is the celebration of Borders, the internationalization of conflicts and the avoidance of the sun, which is not that easy. The Ordnung von Paris 1919 separated an zu hen Ansprüchen, inneren Widersprüchen and unbewältigten Gegensätzen. The great Fehlkalkül, which supports the Niedergang of Ordnungsversuchen, is the Unterschätzen of the Power of Psychology.

The Aufstand der Nazis in Vienna

The History of the Weimar Republic was the Mortgage of Versailles and the instrumentalization of the Friedensbestimmungen in the domestic political auseinandersetzung vermutlich otherwise verlaufen. The instruments of the Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit and der Konfliktverhütung in the international system were damals zu schwach ausgebildet.

Kriege hat es in der Geschichte seit je gegeben. There are no indications that the Trennung zwischen Krieg and Frieden Messerscharf Vorzunehmen are. Once you have obtained the «Krieg in Frieden», go to the Kriegshandlungen, which are carried out in Friedenszeiten zur Durchsetzung von strategic Zielen.

Putin’s Besetzung der Krim und der Ostukraine 2014 fell into this category, the Russian Vorgehen in Abchasien, South Africa or Tschetschenien. The National Socialists were in power from 1933 to 1938: with the National Socialist uprising in Vienna in 1934, they led to the Ermordung of the Bundeskanzler Engelbert Dollfuss führte.

Vienna in the year 1934: The fuss about the putches during the National Socialists in July.

Vienna in the year 1934: The fuss about the putches during the National Socialists in July.


The French philosopher Raymond Aron used the following types of Friedens: Gleichweight, Hegemony, Empire. However, Friede is more like the Abwesenheit von Krieg. Russlands Machtstreben Kracht jeden Kompromiss in der Ukraine-Frage zu einem zerbrechlichen Frieden. In the masses, whoever has the American power no more than the military power of the guarantee of the fried setzen, can count for the new world mass.

Gefahr a Angriffs with Nuklearwaffen

The protection of both Weltkriege lehrt, the Kriegsziele, the während der Kampfhandlungen forms, quickly became not identical with the stipulations, which after the given Erschöpfung zum Waffenstillstand überleiten. The fragment of one’s own political regimes is separated for Putin and for Selensky. The bipolarity of the nachkriegszeit war is very exciting. The longer the conflict between Switzerland and Ukraine is, the greater is the Gefahr, which in itself is the new geopolitical constellation in other parts of the world that will take place.

The role of diplomacy has changed in the single phase of Krisen and Kriegen. Mediation in obtaining the right to the Guten Services and extending the Augenmass. The Scheitern der Friedensbemühungen von Papst Benedict XV. In the first world war it’s a matter of time, but it’s not like it’s a sparrow. When the “ehrliche Makler” was held in Bismarck at the Berliner Congress in 1878, not a single wayward soul emerged.

The World Constellation has left the Tage, the Gefahr an escalation is one of the Schwelle des Einsatzes von Nuklearwaffen, erfordert Diplomatie und de Vernunft der Nationsen. They are looking at a new Friedensethik. Now that it is good, a new weight of strength has been found and a compromise in the form of history and mandate areas, which are not as good as they are put together. And now the world of hell will spread.

Ulrich Schlie ist Historiker and Henry-Kissinger-Professor for Security and Strategy Education at the University of Bonn.