25 years after Crash in Wedding in Krankenhaus

In Berlin, a young man died after an accident with an E-Scooter. After a police attack of 25 years in the middle of the hospital. Bei dem Unfall in Wedding (Bezirk Mitte) in the night the scooter-fahrer the police ignores a red Ampel and the Seestraße Höhe Nordufer. One of the Autobahn-commender Pkw rams the E-Roller, the 25-year journey takes more meters secured by the Luft.

There is a second tote E-Scooter-Fahrer in diesem Jahr in Berlin. In the January War, the year is celebrated on January 19. There is a war in Marzahn with a Straßenbahn, when the Gleise in the Lea-Grundig-Straße is wolllte. The Heranwachsende ridge from the Bürgerpark Marzahn.

Unfälle mit E-Scooter has been from the Police since 2020 in his next Unfallbilanz under the Oberbegriff Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge. Darunter fallen all Types der seit 2019 current „Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung“. Darunter fell the Miet-Roller with maximum speed 20. Viele Fahrzeuge wie Boards ohne Bremsen or Lenkstange cases not covered by the Verordnung and being in Straßenverkehr nicht erlaubt. I have work in the summer for a big flexibility demonstration.

In Diesem Jahr starben bislang 51 Menschen im Straßenverkehr, more like in the last years. Darunter were 22 Fußgänger, eleven Radfahrer, sieben Motorradfahrer and sechs Autofahrer bzw. -insase. It was fun with “sonstigen” Verkehrsmitteln on the way, while a scooter fell on Rollstühle, Quads and ähnliches. I enjoyed a year from 33 to ten.