How to get the rifle

How to get the rifle

In the critically acclaimed Silent Hill 2 remakePlayers don’t have a large selection of weapons to blast enemies with. But one of the most powerful weapons in the game is the Hunting Rifle, and obtaining it can make a huge difference in combat.

This rifle can take down enemies from a distance, which helps players feel a little safer since the game often shoots enemies out of nowhere. If you want to survive longer and make fights easier, picking up the hunting rifle should be a priority. Here’s how players can find the Hunting Rifle and add serious firepower to their inventory.

How to get the rifle in Silent Hill 2 Remake

Silent Hill 2 Remake hunting rifle arsenal screenshot
The hunting rifle is very powerful, but it is only unlocked later in the game. Silent Hill 2 Remake.

The hunting rifle is located in a place called Toluca Prison arsenal, which players won’t reach until later stages of the Silent Hill 2 remake. To get there, players first need to progress through the story until James visits the Silent Hill Historical Society building.

Once inside, players will descend a long staircase that takes them to an underground, prison-like area. After passing through this spooky underground area, players will find a square hole in the ground.

James needs to jump through this hole to reach an even lower level of the prison. From here, players will advance and find another hole behind a door locked by a gate.

This gate is locked by a key item called the Spiral Writing Key, which can be found in a nearby room. Once they unlock the gate with this key, James will be able to go down and finally reach Toluca Prison.

Getting the armory key and solving the puzzle

Silent Hill 2 remake screenshot of Toluca prison map
Constantly checking the map helps a lot with navigating the game.

Once players arrive at Toluca Prisonthey will need to search until they find the armory. Inside the armory, they will see the hunting rifle locked behind a weapons cabinet. To get their hands on it, players will need the Armory Key, which also involves solving several previous puzzles while exploring the prison in Silent Hill 2 remake.

An important part of this is getting the heaviest item in a church-like area. This weight needs to be placed on a scale in the prison yard to unlock a door, called the Snake Door.

Once the door is opened, players will have to navigate the area, dealing with more enemies and puzzles, until they reach a section with an electric chair puzzle. Completing this puzzle opens several locked cells, which leads to a difficult combat area where players will need to fight their way through enemies to advance.

After getting through this intense section, players can finally unlock the armory’s weapon locker using the Armory Key. Inside, they will find the hunting rifle.

However, players must be careful when using it because the rifle’s ammunition is quite limited. It’s a good idea to focus on each shot individually and not burn ammo, and to make sure it counts before pulling the trigger.

You found the hunting rifle in Silent Hill 2 remake yet? Let us know in the comments below!

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