White Supremacists Gather | Scammers and liars

White Supremacists Gather | Scammers and liars

We all know by now that Representative Glenn Grothman is a white supremacist, a misogynist, and an all-around bigot. Naturally, it makes sense that your campaign manager would be the same, right? Even dirty birds flock together.

Well, meet Jacob Floam, Grothman’s campaign manager. He is also a newly elected member of the Oshkosh Common Council. Floam is also a white supremacist who started at quite a young age.

While attending Fordham University in New York, he was an officer in the Fordham College Republicans. While serving as such, he was involved in a “free speech” incident, in which he and some of his fellow Hitler Youth thugs entered a coffee shop to cause a disturbance:

A video of the cafeteria incident went viral and was picked up by national media after College Republicans member Michael Esposito and Rodrigue co-chair Kristal Ho got into a verbal altercation.

The video shows someone who looks like Floam briefly interacting with Ho while standing near the counter. The Ram’s account of the incident quotes a member of the coffee shop as saying that eight College Republicans were around the front counter blocking service.

Floam acknowledged that he, Balasov and Ho were sanctioned for their roles in the incident.

“There was an idea that we would enter this coffee shop wearing these hats. I was 20 years old and I said ‘OK,’ but I didn’t expect the response to be as harsh as it was, to be honest with you,” Floam said of the incident.

While the coffee shop incident was being investigated, a photo emerged of Floam and friends, in which they held the “Kekistan” flag, a take-off of the Nazi war flag:

Credit: Wikipedia

The green, black and white flag of “Kekistan,” which has its origins in the Nazi German war flag, now serves as a symbol of white nationalism. He made prominent appearances at the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017.

Floam claims that Balasov was the one who brought the flag “as a joke flag from an online meme,” and neither he nor the other eight students had any idea what the symbol represented.

To make the situation even more disgusting, Floam tried to play the innocent victim, pretending he didn’t know what this meant. However, he added this comment, which put it into the realm of the bizarre:

Floam said: “Specifically for that flag, one thing I think is important to know is that my father is Jewish, so I was very disappointed about that because my friends at the time took that flag knowing my background and put me in a photo with it.

This is a new variation of “I have Jewish friends” when giving the Nazi salute.

Now that all this information has surfaced, what does Grothman have to say about his campaign manager? You guessed it! He’s perfectly fine with this:

Floam initially worked with Grothman as his driver in 2020 before becoming the congressman’s campaign manager two years later.

“Jacob has been an honest guy for as long as I’ve known him and he hasn’t expressed anything other than conventional conservative ideas, so it would be petty to assume the worst from a photo a guy took when he was 20,” Grothman said.

OK, first of all, Floam is only 26 years old now. It’s not like he did this shit in the ancient past.

But I will give Grothman credit for telling the truth about one thing. White supremacy is a conventional conservative idea.

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