Morgan Freeman names his five favorite books of all time

Morgan Freeman names his five favorite books of all time

Morgan Freeman is undoubtedly among the most respected actors in the world. Revered for his performances in classic films such as Smart Street and relatively recent collaborations with directors such as Christopher Nolan and David Fincher, Freeman’s work has inspired several generations of young artists. But like all great and influential artists, he was not immaculately raised on a vision of creativity, but sailed the oceans of influence like anyone else.

Born in 1937, Freeman was involved in theater productions throughout his school years. However, he turned down the opportunity to study theater at university and chose to join the Air Force. Eventually, he returned to the world of acting and slowly established himself as one of the most talented figures in the industry. It’s a position he’s held strong in ever since, rarely losing his place at the top of the Hollywood mantel.

As these careers unfold, it’s hard not to think of them as bright, shining towers of independent thought, built only from the bricks and mortar of the personality that created them. However, the truth is that, like every human being, these figures are constructed from countless moments in time in which music, cinema, culture and literature shaped and inspired them.

During an interview with the New York Post OfficeFreeman was asked to name a few books that had a definitive impact on his life. The Bible was his first choice, revealing that Genesis was his favorite part of the religious book. The actor also included the classic Black Beauty as a significant work that expanded his imagination.

“It was the first book I read,” revealed Freeman. “I don’t remember if it was a librarian who (suggested it) or if I just came across it, but the idea of ​​reading a book – not a comic book – was part of it. This was in the 40s, when all we had to entertain ourselves was the radio and the cinema, so reading was a big thing.”

Freeman also considers Herman Melville’s seminal masterpiece Moby Dick among your favorite books of all time. He stated that the book awakened his obsession with the nautical world. When talking about the work, Freeman commented: “This classic sparked my interest in sailing and began my lifelong love of the sea.” The book would light a fire in Freeman that would lead him to cast his own line into the ocean of culture, hoping to catch a big fish or two.

Alongside these esteemed classics, Freeman has included Barbara Kingsolver’s 1998 bestselling book, The Poisonwood Bible. A fascinating allegory about religion and colonialism, it follows an American missionary family and their journey to a village in the Congo.

After citing Kingsolver’s acclaimed work, Freeman highlighted that many female literary figures do not receive due recognition. He said: “Some of the best writers are women writers – Barbara Kingsolver, Joyce Carol Oates. They just don’t play enough.” Reading these five books may not guarantee a career like Morgan Freeman’s. However, it will give you a real insight into the man behind that impressive resume and filmography.

Morgan Freeman’s favorite books:

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