
Parents Surprised When Children’s Play Center Puts Up Halloween ‘Body Bag’ Decorations

Parents Surprised When Children’s Play Center Puts Up Halloween ‘Body Bag’ Decorations

A children’s play area has apologized for hanging realistic body bags on Halloween after shocked parents raised concerns.

The “body bags”, made to look like human corpses, were covered in black plastic and tape reading “caution” and “danger” and hung in the soft play area at Rugrats and Halfpints in Cirencester.

A shocked parent who saw the decorations told Sky News of his shock, saying it was not appropriate for a soft play area for young children.

She told the broadcaster: “I went in with my daughter.

“When I saw them I was surprised – surely it can’t be what I think? I just didn’t want to have to explain to my son what they were.

“I spoke to a few other parents who were as shocked as I was that it was deemed appropriate. It’s a great joke, but it shocked me a little!”

The venue, which describes itself on its website as “offering a safe, clean and stimulating environment with an emphasis on fun”, has since apologized for the decor.

“This is the first time anyone has brought this to our attention, so of course because of this we will be taking them down immediately,” a spokesperson said.

“It was not meant to cause distress and we apologize that this is how they felt.”

The center’s website describes its sites as “the UK’s largest baby and toddler play area” and says its Cirencester indoor playground offers parents “a range of different play and entertainment areas for their children to laze around while you can enjoy our coffee on site.”

The website’s about page states: “Winner of the 2022 Travelers Choice Award, Rugrats is committed to providing a safe, clean and stimulating environment with an emphasis on fun.

“In essence, Rugrats and Half Pints ​​is the fun hub you’ve been waiting for.”