
Public Safety Referendum in Lannon; Voters are considering tax increases

Public Safety Referendum in Lannon; Voters are considering tax increases

The Village of Lannon says it needs more money to pay its police department.

“We’ve tried to increase wages and make them more competitive,” said Patrick Yates, president of Lannon Village. “If we can’t keep the workforce competitive, they will look elsewhere.”

Yates said it has been difficult to retain police officers for years. Two full-time and 10 part-time officers oversee Lannon’s two and a half square miles. Yates told FOX6 News that these officers are among the lowest paid officers in the county.

To make matters worse, Yates said those officers would have to purchase their own weapons, uniforms and handcuffs.

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“They take it for granted; that your departments have things like that – but they don’t,” Yates said.

The village’s possible solution lies in the hands of the voters. A referendum on the November ballot to call for an increase in the tax levy by $125,000 per year. For the average homeowner, that would equate to about $4.15 per week, according to Yates.

“As you can see, historically it has been very high over the last five years,” Yates said.

The money will also help cover the increasing costs of fire protection contracted out by neighboring Menomonee Falls.

Yates said state-imposed levy limits and rising costs related to public safety left Lannon with few other options.

“With most of the levy already earmarked for public safety, what’s left to cut?” asked FOX6’s Bret Lemoine.

“Um, yeah. That’s a great question. Not much. There really isn’t much,” Yates said.

Yates said about 20 people showed up to the village’s information session about the referendum a few weeks ago.

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FOX6 News spoke with two voters who said they were in favor. We didn’t find anyone who was against it.

You can Learn more about Lannon’s public safety referendum by visiting the village’s website.