
Dear Annie: I am shocked and disgusted that my sister is dating a sex offender

Dear Annie: I am shocked and disgusted that my sister is dating a sex offender

DEAR ANNIE: I need your help in a difficult situation. My sister has been dating a man for two years and although I have only met him a few times, I have respected him as her boyfriend. However, as we were preparing for my daughter’s wedding, we discovered that he is a level 3 sex offender. My sister confirmed this when I asked, saying that he served his sentence and has been fine ever since.

Now I’m shocked, disgusted and don’t know what to do. Our parents and siblings don’t know, and I’m struggling to know how to move forward. – Confused and worried

DEAR CONFUSED AND CONCERNED: This is a difficult situation. It’s understandable that you’re shocked and unsure about what steps to take, especially since it’s your daughter’s wedding.

An honest and kind conversation with your sister is essential. While she has the right to make her own choices, her family deserves to know the truth, especially if his presence impacts the family dynamic. Approach the discussion calmly, expressing how it affects everyone, not just her.

For marriage, you have the right to protect your daughter and your family. If his presence makes you uncomfortable, discuss boundaries with your sister and find a way to prioritize your daughter’s special day while maintaining family peace.

Seeking help from a professional will help you prepare for these conversations. It’s not easy.

Send your questions to Annie Lane for [email protected].