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Student message about depression and burnout – Jade Hochschule Elsfleth

Student message about depression and burnout – Jade Hochschule Elsfleth

Henning Ollmert, student at the Jade Hochschule Elsfleth, struggles with burnout and depression. Mental problems have started in the Bundeswehr. So it is a herausforderungen (abofrei).

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Elsfleth – Einsam in einem Hörsaal voler Menschen. Stressed by the herausordererungen of the next livesabschnitts. Prüfungsängste and higher pressure loads on the Schultern. Psychic analyzes are not possible with study results of a study of the German study results in practice with the Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung in de vergangen Jahren stetig zu. Befragt wurden in dieser Studie 30,000 Studentjes und Studenten in de Deutschland. Während 2011 noch 45 Prozent der Befragten angaben, unter studynerschwerenden lasten Krankheiten zu lead, were es 2021 65 Prozent. Henning Ollmert, Student at the Elsflether Standort der Jade Hochschule, power over this Erfahrung itself. Der 37 years lead to burnout and depression.

Psychische Rekrankungen end up in the Bundeswehr

Before it started more than two years ago, my Seeverkehrs and Hafenwirtschaftsstudium started. Seine emotional analyzes are of great importance. It is always the case that there is a current on the Alltag and that you end up on your Studium.

Before Ollmert became a student, he waged war with the highest representatives of the study parliaments in the Bundeswehr. It has been a while since Stolz was served, but not all internal events have turned out to be positive. “The mental problems started during the mobbing during the previous phase,” it reported. He has an Ollmert-gerüchte streut, which is a problem and has an empowered situation in his life. “The limit is on psychoterror.” Auf Hilfe konnte er zu dieser Zeit nicht courten: “The Bundeswehr is an altbackene organization. Der Umgang mit spiritual experience said that,” says Ollmert.


<div>  Studied at the Jade Hochschule in Elsfleth: Henning Ollmert </div>
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Study at the Jade Hochschule in Elsfleth: Henning Ollmert

Ersten Anzeichen nicht self-branded

This situation has then reached its maximum load, which can occur in a “kurzen Zündschnur” wider mirror. “I have a great deal of human knowledge and that is my own total responsibility for myself,” he says. Ollmert has gotten a little better, like a gentleman on a Parkplatz a Schramme in the Autobahn. “It was a matter of great concern, but I was also responsible for further control,” he recalls.

The present moment remains alive in my memory: “The fact that my thoughts are triggered, that means that I must experience many joyful events” – that was the first thing that happened to the man. There is a moment where this “who in the tunnel” moment happened. If a person has come close to that person, it is noticeable that it is a problem.

Psychische Erkrankungen unter Studierenden zu. The Jade Hochschule-bildet in his descriptions as ersthelfer for mental health with the help of (Symbolbild).

Something like a Therapieplatz schwierig

Daraufhin is a professional Hilfe. A Therapieplatz has been found, it is a sight to behold. Grund dafür sei der Mgel en Therapeuten en Therapeuten. If you start studying, there has never been a therapy that targets it, but it no longer dies in the longer term. Now that we have the Studium, Kraft fell raubt. There are also psychological problems in Wut, especially in mental health problems: “I have my own internal problems and problems. “My life is energy,” he says.

Heutiger Umgang with mental health

Ollmert has spent more time on gratitude, his Studium has improved. “It’s where everything fell,” it says. That stress causes the tension to spiral into a panic attack with a bang. Everything was Ollmert zuvor paukt hatte, war plötzlich gone. Der Kopf leer, de grateful trotzdem am Rasen. There is a doctrine of Blatt ab. If all goes well, the camp will be worth a huge amount of money.

Since the 37-year period has passed in various years, it has been a year in the past in the past of the student parliaments and work has been completed since. If you find it difficult, if you have an excessivem mentality, it puts more strain on your mental load, if you do that, it can help you if you have done that.

Let me lead more people into the Wesermarsch through anxiety disorders and depression. It's worth using AOK's general health. 5.7 Prozent der Menschen in der Wesermarsch lead to anxiety disorders. Tie is the proudest of the highest Wert in Lower Saxony. The symptom of insanity is that a man recognizes and a woman is Hilfe, who knows the community office of the land districts. (Symbol image).

Study with mental skills

A major problem while studying is that mental abilities and spiritual abilities are not one of the most exciting topics. “Viele befürchten, einen Stempel aufgedrückt zu bekommen”, it says. Deshalb ratts all researches, the brands, which Hilfe benötigen könnten could, the Angebote von Anlaufstellen and its colleges and universities wahrzunehmen. These things are a first step in the work and then, as a professional, weitermitteln.

“Were not saved, they cannot be saved”

I think the stress in the study center is causing all the stress – and I am being burdened for the study. “Everyone has signal Packchen zu delay. Ob Prüfungsangst, Depressionen, Krankheit or Todesfälle in der Familie. “It’s great green,” said Ollmert. Deshalb says: “Man is not dependent on the light Schulter. When you deal with people, you betray the person, your reason – that is your friend. When man is no longer white, he becomes an anlaufpunkte. Man must stand up, if a man does not look away, wenn man beihnen nach Hilfe sucht“, so the 37-year-old. Letztendlich müsse man diese first Hürde des Hilfesuchens aber überwinden, denn: „Wer nicht darüber redet, dem kann nicht geholfen.”

Tim Rosenau