Three Tipps for great meetings

Genervt von der Meeting-Hölle? A few scaffolders that ensure productive encounters.

They often frustrate Meetings are inspiring. But it is still an unpleasant time of year. Follow the perjury on effective tips, an encounter is new and soul-fuhring for figures – from the preparation to its psychological security.

1. A follow-up meeting depends on four factors

  1. A clear structure Final loading (Agenda): In the practice we were not in favor of anyone, it was necessary to attend a meeting at a later date – which could be continued, absehbaren Termine mal ausgenommen. These comments were removed from the meeting in essence: Was the well-being of the meeting discussed? Was the Wird von den Teilnehmenden erwartet? Is there a brainstorming session? Wer muss wirklich dabei sein? An elementary: Wer führt durch das Meeting? The punks could solve any problem.

  2. Jedes Meeting braucht een Facilitatoralso a:n Moderator:in. I fully intend to start with the various Meeting Arts and Prozess. Denn: Nicht jedes Format is geeignet for jedes theme. The host may be a little abgebebige of this impulse – so there may be other people and colleagues who have a light hand in moderation and who voluntarily, in Rahmen or Kapazitäten, unterstützen. The previous facilitators are clearly lying about the hand: There has never been a meeting, but the meeting has started – no matter how it is with the organizational form of the Soziocracy, while its weight is increasing. It is a fact that the structure of the desired meeting formats, including the timing and the meetings as a result, are planned.

  3. Timeboxing: What questions are especially urgent? These solutions must be fulfilled in one and the same time Zeitfenster (pro Frage) became debatable. Once it does, the problem may arise – or another problem may be solved. Bei moreheit für eine Verlängerung gibt’s fun Minuten obendrauf. It’s not like it’s only a few minutes anymore, but it’s still not even a thing. The scary Zeitrahmen have been going on for a while, that’s all in the Wesentliche konzentrieren, not near the Frage.

  4. Visualization: People remember themselves better visual Inhalation. If you want to use a complex disk support, you will need to hang the coupling when you strengthen. General gold-plated: Ob einfache Skizzen, professional sketches or mind maps – main maps, the meeting is visually celebrated.

Bonus tip: I can use an intelligent intelligence remotely or on hybrid devices that is effective during the runtime – if a man now leaves the rechner in the Raum space. You automatically set protocols (meeting minutes) during follow-ups and can perform the visualization of the inhalation.

2. Acquire psychological security

We know: Insondere Wissensarbeiter: if it is effective, if it concerns a space aufzuspanen, in the psychological security for all teilnehmenden for herrscht and if they last longer, she was moving – a back or fear of benachteiligung. Nach der Wissenschaftlerin Amy Edmondson sind Führungskräfte bzw. Moderator: If you have questions about responsibility, you can contribute in Meetings to all the respondents on the scaffolding and the community of your form. The purchase of “Vertrauensraum” is also the own gift of the end user. Please take care of everything during your stay – especially during the business process.

3. Struktur: yes, Verbreiten Angst: no

Who all can be is one of the most important things: the war in the Amazon has started for a rethink of the meetings. Don’t you know the Zwei-Pizza Rule from Amazon chef Jeff Bezos yet? Sie lautet: Ladet nur so velde Kolleg:innen ein, wie von two Pizzen satt were – also a maximum of eight. A good idea. Mittlerweile gibt es at Amazon long Vorbereitungs-Briefings for this idiosyncratic meeting. Why? Weil ich een Angstkultur etabliert hat – wie in many other Unternehmen auch. Man hat Angst, etwas falseches zu sagen, obwohl oft Nobody genau weiß, was actually false as it could be.

Fazit: Effektive Meetings erfordern more as now a good experience. A clear structure, space for open communication and the soul, wertschätzende Einbinden der Teilnehmenden machen the Unterschied.