Leak deutet auf Dark Souls 3 Remaster, aber Fans wollen another game

Read the Gaming Insider Shpeshal_Nick is a Dark Souls 3 Remaster in Arbeit. (Bildquelle: Bandai Namco)
Read the Gaming Insider Shpeshal_Nick is a Dark Souls 3 Remaster in Arbeit. (Bildquelle: Bandai Namco)

Dark Souls 3 was released in 2016 and is considered a masterpiece and a new summary of the legendary trilogy. Nun is a remaster in Entwicklung. Fans have found all kinds of things, which is FromSoftware and Bandai Namco another game in a more polished version that is being picked up.

Use FromSoftware and Bandai Namco to download a Dark Souls 3 Remaster. This information stems from here XboxEra podcast – concrete from the old Gaming-Insider and Padcast-Mitgründer Nick Baker, called “Shpeshal_Nick”. Baker concrete, that information is lost since. An official order of the Entwickler promotion is not possible.

The active version of Dark Souls 3 appears on the PS5 (on Amazon for 440 Euro erhältlich) and Xbox Serieson Amazon for 300 Euro erhältlich) Heavy with 60 FPS, but with a simple display. A Remaster also lasts for all people who want to play the game. There is an optimization for that PS5 Pro and suitable hardware with a potential Switch follower where conceivable. Isn’t this the case? Fragt man die Fans, lautet de Antwort wohl eher nein.

Fans will love Bloodborne statt Dark Souls 3

Thats Dark Souls 1 remaster If all goes well, there are many technical problems with the konnte. A Remaster of Dark Souls 3 saw a lot of fans on Reddit If it is an idea, the game will be played on modern consoles and so urgently and technically feinschliff-braucht. Stattdessen focused on the Wünsche der Communicatie to provide a different direction: Bloodborne.

Released exclusively for the PS4 in 2015, this action RPG could take years to reach classic status. This is a technical issue, with a 30 FPS frame rate and 4K support available. Many fans would have gotten a remaster or a remake of these titles.