Schwerer Unfall in Leuk: 27 years until, three times lost

At a Verkehrsunfall in Leuk you can find a service for a Verkehrsunfall. At 6.30 am you drive a passenger car and a freight car in the Pfynstrasse to a kollison. The Gründe for the Zusammenprall is ambiguous. The e-insatzkräfte can now party no more than the 27-year-old car manufacturers. This cantonal police Valais is involved in a Medienmitteilung with.

While the Aufprall has twice as many vehicles in the Unfall process. Dabei must be brought to Spital by three persons.

I am stationed at the Kantonspolizei of the Cantonal Valais Rettungsorganisation, the Stützpunktfeuerwehr Leuk Region, the Regionalpolizei Leuk-Leukerbad which is part of the Unfall Service of the Kantonspolizei Bern. The Pfynstrasse is suitable for more stunden in both directions restricted and a Umleitung wurde eingerichtet. The Staatsanwaltschaft now has an untersuchung eingeleitet.