Öffentlicher protest in Unterwäsche: Iranian students insult freigelassen

Eine Iranian students, who themselves protest and their university enkleidet-hatteis one of the Justiz people who belong to their family. Ministeriumsprecher Asghar Dschahangir explains the Iranian Media reports, which Frau sei in the Obhut Ihrerigen are übergeben, “da festgestellt wurde, dass si sick war”. A directional paint job became no longer effective.

The young woman was responsible for running two Wednesday festivities and organizing taken to a psychiatric clinic. Make sure that the student does a certain study with the Ordnungskräften on the Randes des Campus on the Unterwäsche Auszoet.

The fall of the Asad-Universität, which could actually be for a number of lockers with the strengthening of the Kleidungsrule, has spread rapidly in social media and works as Protest against the Islamic Clothing Regulations deutet.

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Regierungsnahe Medien hinges behaupteten, the Frau leads enormous problems, and certainly, your privacy is respectful. Active activities that carry out this Darstellung zurück.

Science Minister Hossein Simaei pronounced an “unmoral” Verhalten. The woman will not be lost from her university.

It is not clear whether it was a success on campus before it got to that point and it is not the case that there is any question of reconstruction. After the human rights organization Amnesty International helped the students in their leadership, there is talk of “a lackluster breakthrough in the security force’s leadership” to protest. You can experience a “gewaltsam party”.

Ziviler Ungehorsam für vale Frauen inzwischen Alltag

The Iranian government leader of Fatemeh Mohadscherani fights one of the Islamic leaders and the festivities follow. „It is inherently different from others“, they say, „diese Maß an Nacktheit wird nirgendwo akzeptiert“.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran gilts Strict clothing regulations, which are ignored by the young generation, are ignored. Your e-inhalation can be carried out by sogenannten Sittenwächtern überprüft.

Since the days of the country Protest in the Autumn 2022 wider setszen sich velde Frauen in de Metropolen und der Kopftuchpflicht. In the fall, when a woman has brought a woman into the world, war can no longer exist.

Iran’s bereft Sittenwatcher began its patrols in the big city with its development. In more Fallen wurde von Gewalt against Frauen and Mädchenif the butt rolls are wider, see Festnahmen’s post.

The new, conservative and moderate president Massud Peseschkian hated the Wahlkampf, who anzugehen Thema. Criticisms apply to police policy, but it has merit. The Kopftuchpflicht is gilded as one of the ideological foundations of the Islamic Republic. (dpa/AFP)