Pocher-Hate kurbelte Johannes Hallers Yachts-Business an

Johannes Haller (36), known from reality TV shows with the Bachelorette and the promo Big Brother, has made a lucrative career selling and selling yachts during his years in Ibiza. Thanks Seinen Erfolg John never again a strange fusion spirit, but a schlagabtausch with comedian Oliver Pocher (46). During the Corona Lockdowns 2020, Johannes walks to the plant in Ibiza, a Yacht Charter Service is ready. Dies brought Olivier So, I am as critical of the criticism as the “König des Schwachsinns” deserve. Obwohl dit Zeit ein schweres Kapitel seines Lebens gewesen sei, könne Johannes heute über de Pocher-Hate laugh. “Der Shitstorm mit Oliver Pocher haben us Tausende Kunden. Leute, die haben me vildes, wurden meine Kunden. Those few, who haben me damals für dumm content, tun es heute noch”erklärte is in der er in der ARD-Reihe “Moneymaker”.

Johannes started working with Mrs. Jessica Haller (34) on the Spanish island in 2020 and the power with a million million profit, who is on the air. A company that would like to do business: “The money is no limit. The tollest Schiff was worth a million euros.”

There is no longer a private matter for Johannes, who no longer has a chance. Since 2020, Jessica and Jessica have inherited a pair – and since December 2021. I think I had my first experiences with the Burt in May 2021. The little Hailey-Su power both die at the hands of Eltern. Who Jessica knew first time Instagram verriet, könnte sie in Zukunft weiteren Familiennachwuchs vorellen.