Artistic Intelligence: “We are aware of the facts”, warn a Kriminalbeamter

The Bundeskriminalamt factory, more advanced intelligent information and the police ensure a more efficient machine. Take a look at the Bund and Ländern. Etliche pilot projects cannot last longer than ever before.

If a journalist wants to know who the Federal Criminal Office (BKA) wants to stop with Entwicklungen in the field of artistic intelligence, he should take the road to the Tiefgarage. The entire grocery store of the Amtes in Wiesbaden can be found in a Liegenschaft am östlichen Stadtrand Statt in those years and the Anmeldeprozedere was improvised. Der Grund: Für die Anmietung des üppig ausgestatteten ortlichen Kongresszentrums fehlte in die Jahr das Geld. The Sparmasnahmen could no longer stop in front of the Bundes Kriminalpolizei.

With Thema Künstliche Intelligenz, the BKA will enjoy life with great joy. So drückte is BKA chairman Holger Münch aus. Increasing Fallazhlen by der Gewaltkriminalität, nor a gewesene Rauschgiftschwemme, the anhaltende Bedrohing by Extremismus and Islamist Terrorism and a new high value for the politically motivated Kriminalität: The Herausforderungen are mannigfaltig, like Münch. And the power of the Kriminelle is greater and more technically new.

Zum Beispiel de Künstliche Intelligenz, kurz KI: Betrüger nutzten de Möglichkeiten der KI für Fake-Anrufe, een arglose Citizen a ihr Money zu bring. AI automated chatbots can send phishing emails, there is sensible data you can use. Selbst im Bereich der Espionage und Sabotage kame KI zum Einsatz. “That KI Entwicklung wartet nicht auf us,” said Münch. Man stehe “noch am Anfang”. Die Polizei müsse Schritt stopped. “Es gilded auszuprobieren. Left behind. Aufstehen. More machen.’ The Polizei brauche ‘eine Innovations- und Veränderungskultur’.

Auch Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) concretes, the police müsse Schritt stops. Intelligent intelligence plays a “central role”.

It is possible to reform the rules for the specification of IP addresses and to appeal to the federal states formed by the unions in the notorious points of the rules of the cabinet decisions for their Security Package. The police must exercise lawful power, Straftäter per automation and AI management software for managing business operations. “Beim Einsatz von KI in der Polizei is not technical and constitutional, neither more possible,” says Faeser. “For all the benefits of sexual health with children, all possible instruments can be set up.”

BKA President Münch is looking forward to celebrating Herbsttagung 2022 with the title “Wie halten wir Schritt? Polizeiliche Strategien der Zukunft” content. “With the digitalisation of the criminal data behind the changes in data,” it is clear from Munich. And if there are no more people, then the complexity of the digital traces is not so bad. It’s been clear for a long time. A high-ranking Kriminalbeamter said to WELT: “We were able to understand and brauchen deshalb intelligent Sichtungswerkzeuge.”

Leuchtturm project in the Bundesländern

But the Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz itself is still not acceptable to the Police in the Bundesländern. Zwar gibt is a program, recording chats, documents, emails, images or videos are displayed and viewed by communication partners that perform analytics. A number of “light tower projects” are being discussed in the federal government policies.

Make sure you enable one of the most important analysis software of the US-Unternehmens Palantir. Bayern, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia established the Beschlussvorschlag on the Innenministerkonferenz (IMK) during the summer of 2023, the Software in the Kampf landed and used the Kriminalität Bundesweit – under the Begriff „Bundes-VerRA“. Do it with the previous federal states. Weitere wollten ich nicht beteilingen. And through Nancy Faeser (SPD), the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs was transferred to the IMK as an Absage. The Leitung has begun, the platform of the Bundes is einzurichten. Gewollt is a “repairerunabhängige” Anwendung vom Hersteller.

I am very curious about a video: So crazy for Bayern, Hessen and North Rhine-Westphalia Palantir. If we move forward with the expansion, the pilot project in Germany would be completed in Germany.

In context, the plan for AI is another digitization of the police. After the Bundesinnenministerium was given the “P20” program, one of the 20 German Polizeien was formed by the 16 Landespolizeien of the BKA, the Bundespolizei, the Zollkriminalamt and the Polizei for the German Bundestag.

It is soul, the political fall and rescue operations and such ermittlungen deutlich zu vereinfachen. Der Zeithorizont dafür ist jedoch in weite Ferne gerückt. “All transformations described in the context of P20 will be abolished in the year 2030,” appeared on the website of the ministeriums.

Schon mit the program “Polizei 2020” is one of the most idiosyncratic information sources that have been “modernized and harmonized”. But the soul, which dies in the year 2020, will be preserved. The policy of the IT system in the Bund and the Länder cannot proceed without problems.

Dort auf Cooperationen mit der Wissenschaft setzt: So sweet at LKA Baden-Württemberg from April 2020 to December 2023, jointly with the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart on a project, and with the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin, which functions as a partner with the Landescriminalämter Bavaria and Hessen . If the Entwicklung has this experience, it is worth making “KI” mistakes on the documents you acknowledge.

Soul ist, by automated processing of the Prüfung und von Ausweisen und Urkunden deutlich zu beschleunigen. “The system can be solved with all possible problems and can then be set up correctly,” says an Ermittler. It is a matter of heredity from Libya that KI then celebrates and really sees the Behördenstempel used. The pilot project will last a year in the field that will take place in Baden-Württemberg – the BKA has never suffered its own loss.

Auch das BKA strives for the Anwendungen von KI Research-Kooperationen and. A Solche Hatten in October 2020 Münch, the Rhineland-Palatinate LKA and the German Research Center for Cultural Intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern vereinbart. The project was done because it can all be done with the selection and assessment of larger dating and analyzing unstructured Rohdaten. Letzteres come for all in Fallen zum Tragen, in denen Straftäter with Durchsuchungsmaßnahmen recten and Daten von digital Geräten los, Rohdaten aber in fragmentierter Form zurückbleiben. KI’s Reconstruction Mittels can help Criminalists breathe.

Special software for the “Panama Papers”

While the so-called “Panama Papers” are now offering the police data from 41 million published documents using AI methods. It concerns a weltweit-agierende Großkanzlei mit Sitz in Panama-Stadt, the steering gear and other Penalties that are in charge. Besides the special features of BKA developed Software solutions that the Fahnder de Datenberg could not be satisfied with.

The Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter (BDK) has stopped the Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz for an important Hilfsmittel. The decision of BDK is based on the decision of the innermost part of the human relationship between the human beings and – in particular, the processing of personal data. Letzte Instanz müsse ein Mensch, not de Machine signal. In general, it is important that citizens’ rights are broken when they are separated. A machine that is in Zukunft also no longer has autonomy in the Rechte von Bürgern.

The BDK predecessor Dirk Peglow has received the Nutzung von Künstlicher Intelligenz. “The Polizei has no other option,” says WELT. The Kriminalität spreads with the analog into the digital space. “The criminal police work in an operational and more strategic way is reflected in the fact that changes are always being made, which is more important in the context of the work process of the analogues of the criminal world, more in the background,” explains Peglow. The safety and efficiency policing effects influence the Schlüssel technology.

Hemmschuh Datenschutz

The former president of the LKA Baden-Württemberg, Ralf Michelfelder, says WELT: “KI in the Verbrechensbekämpfung hat the Potenzial zu revolutionierierieren, who seet the Entdeckung of the Einmaligkeit des Fingerabdrucks oder the DNA-Analysis.” Vielfach knew that Polizei gar nicht, everything was white. “They have enormous dating resources and information that can be intelligently communicated,” says Michelfelder.

The police must pass, that is “in the Digitalization of the Verbrechens die Zeit nicht davonläuft.” The efficient use of AI no longer became possible in collaboration with the Wirtschaft and Wissenschaft. This improvement ensures that the enormous amount of mixtures and masses increases, even if the Entwicklung spezieller effects occur. “If politicians do not invest too hard and too large here, they risk abolishing political advocacy on the dating highway,” Michelfelder warned.

Dem Einsatz der KI has enabled data protection. While in Germany the federal state police, the LKAs and the BKA now use data, it is used in their system. It’s a big part of America: US safety regulations are used by all available paintballs.

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