Michael Osei, a shameful Erinnerung

I am 15. November, Michael Osei is lost. Der Ghanaer plays nur kurz in Österreich. Für Vorwärts Steyr. It’s a poor experience. Ein Nachruf by Horst Hötsch.

Michael Osei plays for the previous Steyr in the 1990s.

Michael Osei plays for the previous Steyr in the 1990s.
image/Alfred Harder

There has never been a statue of football player Michael Osei, the war was not long ago in Österreich. New Bundesliga games of the Ghanaian in the seasons 1991/92 and 1992/93 best written for Vorwärts Steyr. In jenem Spiel, op 3 April 1993 gewesen sein, für das mir sein Naam in Erinnerung geblieben ist, wird er seine Sache nicht so schlecht gemacht haben. If the Rapid fans (of the 3,600 ins Hanappi Stadium based hats) do not play a 3:1 Sieges in the Mannschaft so well and are racially abused. This is not yet the case in der 63. Minute das Spielfeld losß. Gesenkten Hauptes, weil Steyr kurz zuvor nach 1:0-Führung das 1:2 cashier hatte. And if so, all the people in the war will be caught up in the war.

The war didn’t start with the first Mal and not with the last Mal, so it was a passion for football. Is war normal? So who else all schmähungen of fans. Was the sollte man auch dagegen tun?

Rapid-Ikone Fjörtoft originated from Osei zur Seite

Jan-Aage Fjörtoft wusste, was at war. The weapon for the seiner-brust changes, while the Liebling of Rapid-Fans is so often in front of them ORF-Mikrofon in the green, white Trikot with the “Kampa-Haus” print. Sympathetic and schlagfertig, who is a war, war is a fragmented Interview partner. Diesmal aber war ihm trotz eines Tores nicht zum Lachen zumute, as is ungefragt eine Botschaft in de Kamera sprach. The real wort is no longer inside, but there are fantastic fans that have the quick heat. It’s not that bad, if Michael Osei has a racist policy, while Mike is a human, it’s a Rapidler who is guilty and who is on his guard.

When the Norwegian war in Österreich begins, the wider reach of the Rängen is reached. There is irritated. And if we want to eat more. One year, Salzburg’s UEFA Cup game played against Eintracht Frankfurt in the Happel Stadium at Anthony Yeboah Affenlaute’s ballberührung. For the Rückspiel schalteten Eintracht-Fans eine Anzeige in der Krone: “Wir haben nicht gegen Österreicher. We haben was gegen Rassisten!” First I started in Österreichs Fußball along the Vernunft Durchzusetzen.

Wasn’t it meant to be that Yeboah and Osei were Cousins ​​​​ – and when the various Datenbanken continued, the Ex-Steyrer became at the “hässlichsten Spiel” of the Frankfurt European Cup History, who he is Frankfurter Rundschau for years writing, sogar der Eintracht an (für derren Profis is allendings no zum Einsatz kam).

Michael Osei played neither in Caracas, but kurz in Mainz and in the Turkei, and he is in the German part of the active Karriere that lies. In Heimat Ghana there is a trainer and commentator. Those who die for the first time will be in a London Krankenhaus-vertorben on November 15 at the age of 53, but there are no wars with herz problems.

Michael Osei, who won his life and life, has not forgotten.