Police Grand Ducal: Einbrecher beklaut Kindertagesstätte in Petingen

On the night of June 29 to 30, it is one year since a man left a daycare center in Petingen and “money was exchanged among the other tablets,” the police say in the form of service and that could be a moneylender. If you are an individual or a civil servant, the police service can do several things by telephone under the number (+352) 244 53 1000 or by email and address [email protected].

In this situation, we continue to inform the police of the Einbruchs-Prävention hin. The information collected about the Behörden find it here.

If you report it to the police, the Montagnachmittag in an Einfamilienhaus in Rodingen becomes a fact. Eating the Täter in the Rue de la Gendarmerie can take longer than the interior of the Gebäudes could take.

Beim bloßen Versuch eines Einbruchs sei es am Montagabend in der Rue de Canach in Oetringen geblieben, so die Beamten. If you eat the meat, go to the inside before you get the meat. Ermittlungen seien eingeleitet be.