Ebensee: Pkw-Lenker (30) is involved in a crash in the tunnel

Auf Gegenfahrbahn geraat

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In a tunnel near the Ebensee, a 30-year-old Pkw-Lenker came to the Kollision with an entgegenkommenden Fahrzeug an Leben. (SYMBOL)

A 30-year-old Pkw loaner is used at a Kollision in the Bartl-Kreuz-Tunnel near Ebensee in the Benachbarten Oberösterreich, where he is approached. There is a war with the car on the highway.

The Kollision with a harnessed car in the Bartl-Kreuz-Tunnel near Ebensee (Bezirk Gmunden) no longer needs a 30-year Lenker service. The Mann war with the Pkw and the Randstein-gefahren and geriet danach on the Gegenfahrbahn. The travel expenses with the car last 43 years could not be prevented further. The 30 Years’ War on the Stelle to. Der 43-Jährige wurde in das Salzkammergutklinikum Bad Ischl brought, so the Polizei.

(Quelle: APA)

Retrieved on 27.11.2024 at 02:47