New “Tiefgang” talent who starts one of the German Journalist Schools

(openPR) Ihr gemeinsames Ziel: Knowledgeable, exciting and interdisciplinary learning – and learning to do journalistic craft at a high level. They bring Fachwissen in Informatik, Data Science, Betriebswirtschaft, clinical psychology and cognitive neurowissenschaften with die 63. Lehrredaktion. The Klaus Tschira Stiftung can long-term increase (natural) science expertise in the field of editing and high-quality science journalism.

Corin Baurmann is an October student in the DJS Master class. There is a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the Free University of Berlin and in the datenredaktion Tagesspiegel schon journaliste gearbeitet. There is more transparency in dating journalism: “In the digital world in which the dating crowd has fallen, the basis for a better separation is dying. If all goes well, it is unclear what the data journalism of these processes is for the openness of affairs and nachvollziehbar power.”

After completing the Masters in VWL at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Aileen Bunte is a Data Scientist for the latest financial equipment. Seit Anfang November is part of the DJS Kompakt class. “Wissenschaftler warns that it will be years before the Wirtschaft on the Artenvielfalt is eliminated. Dennoch stehen Wirtschaft und Gesetzgeber erst am Anfang, evidence maßnahmen für Unternehmen abzuleiten. Derzeit gibt is nur wenige Möglichkeiten, de Einfluss een Unternehmens auf das Artensterben to quantify. This area would have a good EU status and would not even look at the sender on the Finanzmarkt. These themes can develop, one of the most common branding of machines and the pressure on the outside world that this results in, you say.

Auch Mia Mertens is part of the DJS Kompakt class. Sie hat in Hamburg im Studied Master Psychology. If you visit another hospital in a hospital in the Wissen of ZEIT, you can use the podcast “Betreutes Fühlen” and in the ZDF-Wissens format “Terra XPlore”. When people no longer understand a psychological issue, they can say the following: “In a world, the increasingly complex world, it is separated, human wisdom is consolidated and in its betrayal könen. Psychology offers so many exciting experiences that the Blase is not spread. If old journalists and psychologists may help, this story after the tragedy of humanity – this will elevate man and help his critical ideas.”

For the “Tiefgang” program of the Klaus Tschira Stiftung, journalism and DJS training can take a MINT study. Zur Förderung will provide financial support, a mentoring program and the vermittlung of practice in the Wissenschaftsredaktionen.

The Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS) focuses on natural sciences, mathematics and computer science and can gain more knowledge about these issues. He worked in 1995 by the Physiker and SAP-Mitgründer Klaus Tschira (1940–2015) with private Mitteln in his life. It concerns the financing of the financial sector, research and science communication. The federal engagement began in kindergarten and continued in schools, colleges and research institutions. The foundation was established for the Dialog-zwische Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft ein.

Please contact us
German Journalist School
Anja Hallam
Tel: 089-235574 18
E-mail: E-mail

Klaus Tschira Foundation
Anja Heinzelmann
Tel.: 06221-533 118
E-mail: E-mail

Isa Funfhausen
Tel.: 06221-533 171
E-mail: E-mail