Einbruch-Saison begin: MOPO Police Reporter gibt Tipps, who changed man bleibt
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Hamburg, aber das Umland, became active over the years with the secret ties. All in the corridors of Wochenende schlugen die Täter, die teils aus Südamerika extra nach Europa anreisen, 32 mal zu. Was kann man tun, dammit man kein Opfer wird? Here are tips for long-term MOPO police reporter Thomas Hirschbiegel.
The way you live is complete, clear your life. When there are so few burgers, you can enjoy the Ganoven from terraces and balconies. And if you do, you may end up with less inventory. In Wellingsbüttel the Diebe clatter a Fallrohr and knackten a Fenster im ersten Stock an Reihenhauses. Die Beute laut „Abendblatt“: Uhren, Schmuck und Luxus-Handtaschen im Wert von 50.000 Euro.
Safety for the balcony is important
Also make sure you take a critical look at your balcony and discuss your safety. Ohne Sicherung knows it professionally only in a minute.
It is important to know that you have put a little effort into making a small Tresor. It is a grundsätzlich sin – the travel-and-profit-täter stopped their long time in a home, which was so grifen, reumliegt. Weight: the Safe Muss with massive Schrauben im Boden order in a Möbelstück were confirmed.
Japanese empty large Geldschein in the Flur
Are you curious whether you have run out of holes and how you can look at the Sicherungen view? If it is possible, if the problem arises, it may be that there is a charge that can be taxed. The fact is that man is no longer woolly and cuddly in his home. Once you have found the best way to leave the home, you can leave a message or leave the home. In Japan it can happen that a large Geldschein is located in the Flur, a vandalism by preventing it.
An information about the lock: An error in the line nur das mit, was made possible: Money, Schmuck, Uhren, Smartphones. If you are also into antiques with precious stones, porcelain vases or bronze statues that are daheim, you should take care of them. If you post to Instagram & Co. post, if you have a Riesen-Sammlung experience on other Meißner-Porzellans owners, you will find that it is not great if you spezialisierte Täter bei in anrücken.
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Discussion: If you are looking for a suspicious Leute in Hausflur or on the Grundstück, always take the Notruf 110. The rays are no worse, when they engage in partying, this is now the Paketbote war.