
I Can’t Stop Listening to This Pop Song Inspired by King Benjamin’s Speech

I Can’t Stop Listening to This Pop Song Inspired by King Benjamin’s Speech

If you’re looking for a good pick-me-up, this new clip might be just what you need.

Mosiah 4:19 is a Bible verse that many of us are familiar with, especially after our last study of King Benjamin’s speech in Come, follow me.

“For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend on the same Being, God, for all the substance we possess, both for food and for clothing, and for gold and silver, and for all the riches we possess of every kind? ? Mosiah 4:19

And in collaboration with the Come, follow me study, the Church’s Book of Mormon Videos channel on YouTube posted a music video from Latter-day Saint pop duo Truman Brothers discussing this very concept. You can watch the full music video for the new song, aptly named “Beggars,” in the player below.

▶ You May Also Like: Watch: The Truman Brothers’ Catchy New Song Celebrates God’s Love + Our Divine Worth

The video’s description on YouTube reads:

You are God’s beloved child. The same goes for the person next to you on the unit, the person across from you in conflict, the person at your head in the workplace, and the person at your feet on the street. Jesus Christ gave His life for all humanity to save us from ourselves – to save you from your sins and your neighbors from theirs. We are all indebted to the Lord for everything we have, and we each depend on Him for everything we need. When we cry out to Him for mercy and support, He responds. And when His children cry out to us for mercy and support, we must respond. You have talents, skills and resources. You came to earth to develop the divine capacity to love and forgive your fellow human beings in the same way that our Redeemer loved and forgave you. Someone under your influence needs it more than you think. Be brave. Contact us and provide! So take a step forward and go further. Change the world, one life at a time. This will transform you into a true disciple and reflection of Christ.

The song’s opening lyrics describe a man in need holding a sign that reads, “Please help me.” Then the imagery changes to compare this to the emotions we all feel when we turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and support. The overall vibe of the song is hopeful, positive and uplifting, and the message is one of unity, emphasizing that we all need mercy, love and the healing atonement of God.

The comments on the YouTube video are full of hope, love and gratitude. For example, Sheree Hastings wrote: “I love this video and this song!! What a great reminder and what a great way to spend three minutes! The world needs these powerful thoughts; that we are all beggars and that when we help someone else, we see the face of God in our own lives. This is how we serve God. …..and the world becomes a better place too. Thanks again for this song and video.

Holly Archuetta shared: “This made me emotional! Great motivation to get out and do something good!

And the central Book of Mormon author wrote: “I am reminded of Henry B. Eyring’s quote: ‘Whenever you meet someone, treat him as if he were in serious trouble…and you you’ll be right more than half the time.’ »

► You may also like: My favorite part of King Benjamin’s speech