
The People’s University: They will not stop, they will not rest

The People’s University: They will not stop, they will not rest

Tensions continue to rise across the United States as university students set up solidarity encampments in Gaza and call on schools to “divest from all economic and academic stakes in Israel.”

There would be no universities without the students who attend them and it is shameful that these institutions continue to oppose them. This decision will undoubtedly haunt them and not only affect their reputation, but will play a major factor when new students make their final acceptance decision.

On April 17, Columbia University students began their Gaza solidarity encampment in which they occupied the south lawn of the campus.

The next day, USC announced the cancellation of its valedictorian Asna Tabassum’s commencement speech due to “security concerns.”

This happened after a complaint was filed against Asna for her Instagram posts in support of Palestine, when Asna had not even written her speech yet.

This quickly prompted USC students to create their own solidarity camp in Gaza.

Many universities in the United States and around the world are now joining the movement and creating their own encampments, many calling themselves the “People’s University.”

Students highlighted the fact that there are no more universities in Gaza, which confronted them with the reality that having access to education is a privilege.

As students protest for their schools to stop supporting genocide, they are forced to fight repression within their own universities.

Few schools chose to listen to their students, which quickly led to an end to the encampments and protests.

However, most schools chose to ignore their students’ demands and portray them as violent and disruptive.

The reality is quite the opposite.

Instead of applauding their students for standing up for their beliefs, encouraging them to use their First Amendment rights, and protecting them from physical harm, these universities turned their backs on them, condemned them, and called the police locals – who historically incite violence during peaceful protests – to expel them from campus.

This resulted in violence against students and faculty and numerous injuries, from being thrown down stairs to broken ribs after being slammed to the ground.

On April 30, UCLA faced dangerous attacks from counter-protesters who shot fireworks at the student encampment, sprayed students with bear mace, threw heavy objects such as an electric scooter on the students and attempted to demolish the barricades surrounding the camps.

Meanwhile, the police were suddenly nowhere to be found until the next day, although the UCLA police chief was ordered to “spare no expense” with a security plan before the attack.

They then launched their own violent attempt to demolish the encampment, using rubber bullets and extreme aggression, resulting in a student being injured by a rubber bullet in the face.

USC and Columbia announced the cancellation of their major commencement ceremonies.

Minouche Shafik, president of Columbia University, issued a statement explicitly stating that the university would not disengage from Israel.

Shafik and many other university leaders continue to hide behind and weaponize the imaginary threat of anti-Semitism, defined as prejudice against Jewish people, while taking actions that directly harm Jewish students participating in the encampments. solidarity and ignoring the movement’s alliance with the activist group. , Jewish Voice for Peace.

What does it say about these universities whose vocation is supposed to be environments of higher education and open and diverse conversations?

If only the best students are admitted to these universities, their opinions surely come from an educated and thoughtful environment.

Why are these universities opposed to their students standing up for what is right? Is it the financial interests of the university that matter most or those of the students who attend them?

These universities will be remembered as being on the wrong side of history. By refusing to disinvest, they have blood on their hands.

Our universities and schools are supposed to be places of open conversations and diverse values. Don’t let university administrators silence you. These protests were seen around the world and inspired many people to start their own. Palestinians said the protests gave them hope. Keep fighting, keep protesting, your voice makes the difference

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