
The first modular L1.5 for Ethereum

The first modular L1.5 for Ethereum

Silent Protocol has launched Ghost Layer, a new modular layer 1.5 solution intended to improve the Ethereum blockchain environment. This invention represents a key step toward integrating privacy-focused technology into public blockchain applications, meeting the demands of individual and institutional users.

The shadow layer uses a zero-knowledge (ZK) mechanism with Silent Protocol’s unique 0VM technology, enabling secret storage of assets and unhindered movement of value across various blockchain platforms. An important feature of Ghost Layer is its ability to facilitate the integration of current applications into secure processes by creating accessible routes to multiple levels of execution.

The conceptual basis of Ghost Layer places it in a unique position in the blockchain architectural hierarchy. According to Novachrono, founder of Silent Research Labs, the ghost layer can be considered layer 1.5.

Silent Research Labs founder Novachrono explained the unique position of the shadow layer in the blockchain hierarchy: “If you create a ledger whose state is decided by the base ledger but the calculation is stored elsewhere, you can call it a 1.5 layer. .” T

This placement allows it to capitalize on the stability of base layer processing while adding layers of privacy and interoperability.

Ghost Layer’s backend technology builds on Silent Protocol’s previous creation, the EZEE Foundation, which was introduced in 2023. The EZEE framework solves the state denial problem by introducing a fully composable design that guarantees functional confidentiality. This approach allows developers to design networked applications without the constraints of autonomous systems.

Silent Protocol also created the Silent Compliance Virtual Machine to improve its privacy features. This decentralized protocol enables selective data disclosure, preventing malicious actors from misusing data and ensuring transparent yet secure blockchain operations.

Isa Sertkaya, co-founder and CTO of Silent Protocol highlighted the strategic advantage of Ghost Layer: “Emerged from Ethereum and supporting Ethereum assets, the Ghost Layer achieves scalability not by capturing value vertically but by enabling horizontal composability across different chains.

This method allows Ghost Layer to expand the capabilities of the Ethereum ecosystem without limiting it, resulting in a vast network of interoperable applications.

The introduction of 0VM technology in Ghost Layer improves system state management by checking for updates and using the base ledger for state validation using zk-SNARKs technology . This cryptographic approach is essential for preserving privacy while verifying the validity of transactions without disclosing the underlying data.

This launch demonstrates Silent Protocol’s commitment to providing a compliant and flexible framework that allows institutions to securely and discreetly leverage Ethereum’s capabilities. The shadow layer allows developers from various blockchain ecosystems to convert their current applications into privacy-focused applications, known as 0dapps, while still having access to mainnet liquidity.

Silent Protocol promises to increase the security and compliance of blockchain applications while maintaining speed. Founded by the inventors of blockchain, Silent Protocol has played a key role in the development of scalable privacy-focused solutions, such as the EZEE framework and Silent Compliance VM.

These tools are intended to help developers and organizations transition from current platforms to secure, privacy-preserving applications and to promote interoperability between various blockchain systems.

The release of the Ghost Layer by Silent Protocol aims to respond to the growing desire for anonymity in blockchain transactions, a fundamental issue for individual and institutional players in the digital economy. The ability to transact and manage assets on a public ledger like Ethereum while maintaining anonymity could boost blockchain adoption in industries that deal with sensitive data, like banking, healthcare, and government.

Possible implications

The development of technologies such as Ghost Layer could lead to more widespread use of blockchain technology by increasing its versatility and compliance with regulatory standards. This could pave the way for new types of digital interactions and transactions that are secure, private and cross-platform compatible.

Additionally, as blockchain technology evolves, Ghost Layer’s emphasis on flexibility and interoperability could serve as a foundation for future industry innovations. This could lead to more complex blockchain designs that can interact with each other, creating a more connected and efficient digital environment.

Silent Protocol’s release of Ghost Layer represents a significant step forward in integrating privacy and interoperability into the Ethereum network. This technology improves the functionality and usability of blockchain technology and paves the way for future developments that could change the digital world.