
Yulia Navalnaïa publishes an anti-Putin message on the day of her inauguration

Yulia Navalnaïa publishes an anti-Putin message on the day of her inauguration

Yulia Navalnaïa, the widow of the late opponent Alexeï Navalny, published a video on Tuesday summarizing the main events of Vladimir Putin’s last term, just as his inauguration for his fifth term began.

In the video, Navalnaya said Putin’s fourth term would be remembered primarily for Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which resulted in both loss of life and the isolation of Russia.

“He can call it whatever he wants, but you cannot deceive people who are sent to the front, whose relatives return disabled or who do not return at all,” Navalnaya said.

Navalnaya recalled the March terrorist attack on a concert hall near Moscow, calling it “one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in recent history” that Russian security forces failed to achieve to prevent.

She also said that Russia now had several hundred political prisoners held “in inhumane conditions”, arrested for their journalism, their civic stance or even their social media posts.

“For me personally, these six years of Putin were those during which my husband Alexei Navalny, an honest and courageous man, a true patriot, was persecuted, poisoned with chemical weapons, tried, tortured in prison for three years, then killed. . Putin did it too,” Navalnaya said, referring to her husband’s murder in February.

She ended by saying it was important to undermine whatever legitimacy Putin still had. “It is difficult, but we must try, which requires persistent and stubborn work.”

“Our country is currently ruled by a liar, a thief and a murderer. But this will definitely end. Don’t give up! The truth will definitely prevail,” Navalnaya concluded.