
Rikers would be ready for Trump, says NYC Mayor Eric Adams

Rikers would be ready for Trump, says NYC Mayor Eric Adams

In a surprising moment, during a regular press briefing on public safety statistics, protests at Columbia University, migrant centers, the proliferation of illegal weed stores and Mayor Eric Adams’ upcoming trip to meet the pope in Rome, Adams was pressed by a curveball question about the possible, even improbable, imprisonment of former President Donald Trump.

When asked if New York’s Rikers Island complex would be prepared to handle Trump’s imprisonment, or if the city had plans in place for such a situation, Adams said that city prison officials ” would be ready.

“Our amazing (Lynelle Maginley-Liddie, commissioner of the Department of Corrections), she’s ready to take on whatever happens at Rikers Island,” Adams told reporters. “I’m pretty sure she would be willing to handle and deal with the situation.

“As you see with what’s happening with Harvey Weinstein,” Adams continued, “we have to adapt. In this business, especially law enforcement, we have to…