
Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Sadhvi Mathur, UCLA (Anderson)

Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Sadhvi Mathur, UCLA (Anderson)

“Former digital marketing executive, freelance writer, volunteer crisis counselor, and former competitive Indian dancer.”

Hometown: Cypress, Texas

Fun fact about yourself: I’m an avid fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, to the extent that I’ve watched every Marvel movie multiple times and seen every Phase Four movie release on opening day/weekend. I hope to keep this tradition alive with my classmates while I am at Anderson.

Undergraduate school and major: University of California, Berkeley. Double major in economics and media studies.

Most recent employer and job title: Shutterfly LLC, Senior Social Media Specialist II

UCLA Anderson is founded on the three pillars: sharing success, thinking fearlessly, and leading change. Which pillar speaks to you the most and why? Anderson’s “Sharing Success” pillar resonates with me the most because it most aligns with my values ​​and how I want to treat people during my MBA program. As a volunteer crisis counselor, I believe in leading with support and empathy and, therefore, I always try to help people as much as I can. So when I visited Anderson at AROW and A-Days as an admitted student, I was inspired by the support, help and kindness of the students, not only to us (the admitted students) , but also towards each other. This pervasive attitude of sharing success and leading with kindness is truly what sets Anderson apart, and it’s what ultimately convinced me to choose Anderson for my MBA.

What makes Los Angeles a great place to get an MBA? Many metropolitan hubs in the United States are strong in a few sectors, such as technology in the Bay Area and oil and gas in Houston. Los Angeles is one of the few cities in this country that has a strong presence in almost every industry an MBA candidate could want: finance, consulting, entertainment, technology, healthcare, and much more! This provides incredible opportunities for students to explore multiple industries and career opportunities in their own backyard. Also, the weather in Los Angeles is worth noting. Los Angeles’ beach climate isn’t just great for hiking and surfing (although that’s true). It’s also because Los Angeles’ idyllic climate makes it very easy for MBA students from around the world to adapt so they can focus on their studies and recruiting. After all, no one wants to deal with rain, snow, and other weather-related issues while trying to get used to being a full-time student again!

Aside from your classmates and location, what was the key element of the UCLA Anderson MBA program that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? The nationally ranked Parker Career Center was one of the main reasons I decided to come to Anderson. From the moment I was admitted, it was clear to me that the Parker team was invested in my professional success and was willing to offer whatever they could to help me achieve it.

For example, before I even committed to Anderson, the Parker team offered me one-on-one advising appointments during which we had candid conversations about which MBA program would be best suited for me. achieve my ultimate career goals in the media and entertainment industry. I met Jenna Dobrin and she gave me some kind and honest advice on my career path that I still carry with me as I start at Anderson.

This commitment continued once we arrived on campus. We were all automatically enrolled in the Parker Career Series, which is intended to prepare us for our recruiting season starting as early as August. The Parker team also hosted 101 sessions across popular MBA sectors and roles, encouraging all students to shop around and see which career paths interest them most. Eventually, we received a Parker advisor and were able to start working with him by the third week of the summer term.

What class, club, or activity are you most excited about at UCLA Anderson? I’m looking forward to DOJ (Days on the Job) week at UCLA Anderson. Anderson shows a clear commitment to the career success of his students by allowing them to take a week off to meet with companies from across the country in the field or role they are considering. I look forward to using DOJ week to improve my network and make connections with some of my dream companies.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: I was able to generate over $13 million in incremental revenue in my previous role as a digital advertiser by establishing a multi-department A/B testing program. The company’s marketing director had challenged the department to take more risks in our advertising, test new strategies, and drive additional KPI growth. With this directive, I worked with external consultants to establish a bi-weekly sprint testing cadence, secure internal resources for test execution, define our A/B testing methodology, and specify parameters for A test success /B.

With the testing framework in place, I ran approximately 14 A/B tests in a year and achieved statistically significant gains amounting to approximately $13 million in additional revenue per year. The A/B testing program I worked on is still running in my department today.

What do you hope to do after graduation (at this point)? At this point, I hope to work in the media and entertainment industry after graduation, ideally in television, film or streaming. I’m currently deciding whether I want a content strategy or product marketing role. Specifically, I would like to get involved in news media within 3-5 years of graduating. My professional passion is helping unbiased news media maintain their relevance and popularity in the digital age so that Americans can stay informed about the biggest issues facing our world. I hope my MBA will eventually help me move out of digital marketing and into a role that helps me realize this dream.

What advice would you give to help potential applicants gain admission to the UCLA Anderson MBA program? Everyone has a unique story to tell and UCLA Anderson wants to hear yours. UCLA Anderson is a campus that champions diversity, so no matter who you are or what your background is, your perspective is welcome at Anderson. Students admitted to Anderson are not just those who have excellent professional and academic records (although that is certainly a hallmark of the class), but rather those who can bring authenticity and a fresh perspective to the campus and to their peers class.

In other words, be honest and open when applying to Anderson. Don’t tell the admissions committee what they want to hear. Tell them who you really are, what your passions are, and what your goals are. Let your personality shine through!