
Last chance: Have your say on ‘unfair’ PCNs and traffic fines before government consultation ends

Last chance: Have your say on ‘unfair’ PCNs and traffic fines before government consultation ends

Now is your last chance to submit evidence to the government’s inquiry into which local councils could be profiting from traffic fines. The call for evidence closes at midnight on May 11 and asks drivers to submit cases of issuing what they consider to be “unfair” or “liberal” Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs).

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Drivers can submit their evidence via a form on the website; You can also write your submission by email or send a letter to the Civil Traffic Enforcement team at the Department for Transport in London.

According to government data, in the year ending March 2022, around seven million PCNs were issued. More than 40,000 of these fines were appealed, but just under half (43 percent) were overturned.

This has led many people to believe that some councils view offenses such as stopping at a junction, driving in a bus or cycle lane, or driving in a low traffic area (LTN) without a license as an opportunity to increase their income. With the majority of PCNs set at between £50 and £70 each, it has been suggested that the “profit motive” could be a factor in the number of fines issued.

Last year, the government announced its so-called “Drivers’ Plan”, which focuses largely on cracking down on what has been described as “unfair enforcement”. A recent DfT study found that on average, 36,000 PCNs have been issued per low-traffic neighborhood in recent years, potentially racking up hundreds of thousands of pounds in fines.

In a statement, Secretary of State for Transport Mark Harper said: “Councils have the power to enforce traffic rules to ensure our roads are safe for all users and people can get around without undue interference. They are not an alternative way for local officials to raise taxes or decide who can travel where. »

He went on to encourage “anyone interested to have (their) say and ensure that (their) thoughts are taken into account.”

Do you agree with the new parking rules? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section…