
Message from His Holiness for Buddha Purnima…

Message from His Holiness for Buddha Purnima…

Even though the Buddha lived and taught in India over 2,500 years ago, the essence of his teaching remains as relevant today as it was then. While modern science has developed a sophisticated understanding of the physical world, Buddhist science has devoted itself to developing a detailed, first-person understanding of many aspects of the mind and emotions, still relatively new areas for modern science. I believe that a synthesis of these two approaches has great potential to lead to discoveries that will enrich our physical, emotional and social well-being.

As a Tibetan Buddhist monk, I consider myself an heir to the Nalanda tradition. The manner in which Buddhism was taught and studied at Nalanda University represents the pinnacle of its development in India. If we want to be 21st century Buddhists, it is important that we engage in the study and analysis of the Buddha’s teachings, as so many have done, instead of simply relying on faith.

Buddha Purnima or Vesak commemorates the birth, enlightenment and passing of Buddha Shakyamuni and is considered the most sacred day in the Buddhist calendar. On this auspicious occasion, I offer my best wishes to my Buddhist friends around the world to lead a meaningful life full of warmth and compassion.

With my prayers and best wishes,

Dalai Lama

May 9, 2024