
Did Ambani-Adani buy Rahul’s silence: Modi; PM is afraid: Cong | Hyderabad News

Did Ambani-Adani buy Rahul’s silence: Modi;  PM is afraid: Cong |  Hyderabad News

HYDERABAD: In a curious twist to the election narrative on crony capitalism, Prime Minister Modi on Wednesday accused the Congress of striking a deal with “Ambani and Adani” and asked if the party had received “tons of money” in return. ‘black money’ from the two businessmen. so that Rahul Gandhi stops “mistreating” them during the elections.

“You must have seen, for the past five years, the Congress shehzada has been chanting from morning to night… Since his Rafale deal was stalled, he started chanting ‘five industrialists’… then ‘Ambani-Adani’. But since the elections were announced, these people (Congress) have stopped abusing Ambani-Adani,” the Prime Minister said at a rally in Karimnagar in Telangana.

Modi said there was definitely something fishy (“daal me kuch kaala hai”) as for five years they (Congress and Rahul) abused Adani-Ambani and it stopped overnight. the following day. “This means you have received heaps of ‘chori ka maal’ (looted money),” he added.

The Prime Minister accusing the Congress of taking huge amounts of black money came as a surprise since he was the target of the opposition party’s barbs against crony capitalism.