
Help! My landlord says I can’t store an electric bike

Help!  My landlord says I can’t store an electric bike

With around two million electric bikes in the UK and sales on the rise, battery fires are on the rise. However, they currently occur at a rate of less than one per day.

To put that into perspective, 100,000 cars catch fire every year, resulting in the deaths of around 100 people. This represents nearly 300 vehicle fires every day. In other words, a car is twice as likely to catch fire as an electric bike.

According to Cycling Electric, some landlords cite poorly understood fire risks to prevent tenants from storing their e-bikes.

Can I challenge an unfair clause in my rental contract?

Yes. You can complain to Trading Standards about an unfair term in your rental agreement. Trading Standards will refer your complaint to the Unfair Contract Terms Unit of the Office of Fair Trading. If a clause proves to be unfair, it invalidates the clause concerned, which then becomes inapplicable.

The OFT has published a guide with further information on how to make a complaint.

Electric bike insurance

ETA bike insurance covers all road legal e-bikes by default. And we include Cycle Rescue for free. If your electric bike has a mechanical fault, particularly a flat battery, you can call our repair team 24/7.

We have been supplying specialist bike covers for over 30 years and are proud to be ranked as Britain’s most ethical supplier by The Good Shopping Guide.

Read the full list of everything we include as standard.

The ethical choice

ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of eco-friendly and reliable travel services. For more than 30 years, we have continued to offer bicycle insurance, breakdown cover and scooter insurance while placing concern for the environment at the heart of all our actions.

The Good Shopping Guide rates us as the UK’s most ethical supplier.