
Explosive hidden message uncovered in Miss USA’s shock resignation message

Explosive hidden message uncovered in Miss USA’s shock resignation message

  • Noelia Voigt, 24, became the first Miss USA in history to resign this week
  • Miss Teen USA and the organization’s social media manager also resigned
  • It comes amid claims of a “toxic” environment at the beauty pageant.

Miss USA’s shock resignation has fans worried after spotting a seemingly hidden message in her departure statement.

This week, Noelia Voigt, 24, became the first titleholder in the 72-year history of Miss USA to relinquish her crown, saying she had mental health issues since becoming champion years ago. at seven months.

But eagle-eyed fans spotted a code in his statement, with the first letter of each sentence spelling out “I AM SILENCE.”

Her resignation was quickly followed by that of Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava, 17, who also resigned Wednesday, saying in her own statement that her values ​​”no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

Noelia Voigt, 24, became the first titleholder in the 72-year history of Miss USA to relinquish her crown, saying she has struggled with mental health issues since becoming champion seven months ago .
Eagle-eyed fans spotted a seemingly hidden message in his resignation statement, with the first letter of each sentence spelling out “I AM SILENCED.”
Voigt’s resignation was quickly followed by Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava (pictured together), who said her values ​​”no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

The beauty queens’ sudden resignations come amid allegations that the Miss USA Organization’s environment is “toxic.”

This reportedly includes strict contracts requiring female contestants to smile at all times, as well as widespread bullying and mental health issues among pageant queens.

A close source told the New York Post that her mental health deteriorated while she was Miss USA, saying she suffered from “micromanagement to the 10th degree and harassment.”

“Noelia wakes up every day on pins and needles because of the harassing emails (from the competition organizers): ‘Don’t do this’, ‘Don’t do that’, ‘Remove this message’, Contrary to this message .’

They added that he would be told to “constantly remember your NDA.”

The Miss USA Organization did not immediately respond to a request for comment when contacted by

Days before Voigt resigned, Claudia Michelle, the organization’s social media manager, also resigned, writing in her own statement that “being offered your dream job and seeing it was anything but daunting.” .

“This is a women’s empowerment organization and I hope, in making this statement, to give back to these titleholders some of the empowerment that was so profoundly lost during their year,” writes the former staff member.

She claimed she was left to manage Voigt’s social media alone and that during her time working with the 24-year-old, she “sadly (saw) a decline in his mental health.”

She added that Voigt’s “ability to share his story and his agenda has been diminished,” and said she had witnessed a “disrespect” toward Srivastava.

“I believe their voices and stories should be heard and not silenced,” she wrote. “I disavow workplace toxicity and bullying of any kind.”

The Miss USA Organization’s social media manager, Claudia Michelle (center), also resigned, and insiders claimed the trio decided to call it quits together and strategically plan their statements.
Voigt reportedly suffered from “micromanagement to the 10th degree and harassment” while reigning as Miss USA, and was often reminded to “remember your NDA.”
The parents of Miss Teen USA UmaSodia Srivastava (pictured being crowned seven months ago) have reportedly banned the organization’s president from speaking to their daughter amid the controversy.
Srivastava’s statement thanked his supporters for “what I am and always have been, not for what I have momentarily become,” accompanied by a pointed quote from philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

The issues outlined in Michelle’s statement were echoed by inside sources speaking to the Post, who said candidates were given ironclad contracts to smile despite “harmful working conditions.”

“This toxic atmosphere is very concerning,” they told the Post. “There is an urgent need for intervention at the leadership level.”

An insider also claimed that Voigt, Srivastava and Michelle all agreed to resign together and timed their statements strategically.

“The decision was not easy. Noelia and UmaSofia are extremely dedicated people who worked incredibly hard for the competition. The decisions were not taken lightly. They all decided to do this together,” the source said.

“They are afraid to speak out more right now because of the organization. They don’t want this to have a lasting detrimental effect on their future.

While Voigt’s seemingly coded statement focused on his appreciation for the organization and his “pride” in his participation, Srivastava’s statement more clearly alluded to problems.

She said she was resigning because “I find that my personal values ​​no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

“Most importantly, thank you to those who support me for who I am and always have been, not for what I have momentarily become,” she concluded.

The statement also included a quote from philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: “There are no beautiful surfaces without terrible depth. »

The insider told the Post that the “toxic” environment surrounding pageants has become so dysfunctional that Srivastava’s parents refuse to let Miss USA Organization President Laylah Rose speak to their daughter.

“All correspondence had to go through his parents. Her parents meet weekly with the Miss Universe Organization to try to make change with Miss USA, but nothing ever gets done. No change, nothing at all,” they said.

An insider has spoken out to claim candidates like Voigt (pictured) had ironclad contracts to smile despite “unsafe working conditions”.
Voigt’s competitors took his side this week in a joint statement, calling for his release from his NDA “to give Noelia her voice back.”

With the decades-old competition embroiled in controversy, Voigt’s fellow competitors this week sided with her in a joint statement.

The contestants said “the majority of the Miss USA 2023 class” supported her decision and requested that she be released from the confidentiality provisions of her NDA.

“We are asking the Miss USA Organization to release Noelia from the NDA confidentiality clause in her contract, in perpetuity, so that she is free to speak about her experiences and her time as Miss USA. We demand a response within 24 hours,” the statement said.

“Our goal is to give Noelia her voice back. We demand full transparency for applicants in the Class of 2024 and beyond.