
Port Huron McLaren Levis Link Pre-Operative Room

Port Huron McLaren Levis Link Pre-Operative Room

Port Huron McLaren Levis Link Pre-Operative Room

A new pre-operative room in McLaren Port Huron, designed to reduce anxiety for patients with special needs, has opened.

Thanks to the generosity of Levi’s Link and the Wilson family, McLaren Port Huron has officially opened its first Levi’s Link Preop sensory bay. The room has been designed to provide a calming and calming environment, free from visual and auditory stimulation that can affect people’s nerves and anxiety. The room can be used by people of all ages with special needs.

“Opening was a dream come true,” Megan Wilson said. “My heart is overflowing with joy because I know how much of a difference this will make to families’ hospital experience.”