
The city council will meet Monday

The city council will meet Monday

The Portsmouth City Council will meet Monday with a wide range of topics to consider and discuss.

Among other items, the Council is expected to make a proclamation recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Scioto Foundation and hear the first reading of a resolution that would authorize the city auditor to determine how best to finance the $3 million to complete renovations to the new municipal building. .

Council will conduct a third reading of the ordinances that would grant an easement to Tanealosh Limited. Council members will also consider accepting an easement from McGovney Ready Mix “for the purpose of improving and maintaining the land adjacent to the transfer station,” according to the agenda.

Up for second reading are orders to appropriate capital improvement funds, authorizing the acceptance and appropriation of $336,125 from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for the Riverfront Amphitheater Seating Project .

The aforementioned ordinance authorizing City Auditor Trent Williams to determine funding sources for funding the $3 million “over a 20-year period to cover remaining costs for renovations to the new municipal building” will be introduced on first reading . This funding is expected to complete the city’s work on the former 5/3 Bank building, located at 500 Chillicothe Street, which will house the city’s offices and municipal courts. The municipal council is already meeting in its new rooms on site.

A resolution is also being introduced to allow City Manager Sam Sutherland to submit an application to the Appalachian Regional Commission grant program.

Council meetings are open to the public and begin at 6 p.m. in the council chambers located at 500 Chillicothe St., Portsmouth. Visitors who wish to address council regarding agenda items may do so at the start of the meeting before the bill is considered. There is a five minute delay.

Contact Lori McNelly at (email protected) or (740) 353-3101 ext. 1928. © 2024 Portsmouth Daily Times, all rights reserved