
People are shocked after finding out what the global average screen time per day is

People are shocked after finding out what the global average screen time per day is

People are shocked after finding out what the global average screen time per day is

Featured image credit: golubovy/Matt Cardy / Contributor

It seems pretty clear that most of us would benefit from using our screens a lot less.

People were shocked after discovering the average screen time spent around the world.

As computers, tablets and especially smartphones become a more or less essential part of being able to function in society in 2024, it is perhaps not surprising to see the global average at what it is.

Keep in mind, of course, that this will include people who barely look at the screen in a more extreme way, meaning that many people have very high screen time.

Screens now permeate more or less every aspect of our lives in one way or another.

Whether it’s a job that requires you to use a screen all day, money, video calls, gaming, TV and movies, and of course, social media, there’s There are few things we do that aren’t done via a screen.

The very nature of social media is designed to allow us to spend as much time as possible staring at a screen, chasing a small dose of dopamine as we scroll through our feeds.

But what is the global average?

Many people also double screen.  (Aja Koska/Getty)

Many people also double screen. (Aja Koska/Getty)

It’s six hours and 58 minutes.

Some people thought that figure seemed a bit low, with one writing: “Including my day job where I stare at multiple screens for 8 hours every day?” Meanwhile, another posted: “These are rookie numbers. »

If this figure seems a little low to you, know that this takes into account people who spend very little time in front of a screen.

But if that’s the average, including people who spend little or no time in front of a screen, that says a lot about how much time others spend on their screens.

People rushed to the comments to share their thoughts on how much time they would spend on their screens.

Let's be honest: most of us spend too much time on our phones.  (Stefania Pelfini, La Waziya Photography / Getty)

Let’s be honest: most of us spend too much time on our phones. (Stefania Pelfini, La Waziya Photography / Getty)

One thought a lot about the extent to which we rely on them in all aspects of our lives, commenting: “Man, some of us, it’s the first thing we see in the morning and the last thing we turn off in the evening And then we “I’m in front of him 8 hours a day for work.”

Another echoed this sentiment, saying that whether it’s work or play, there’s almost always a screen involved in some way.

They commented: “Working all day staring at a screen > sitting on the couch all night staring at 2 screens intermittently. Even when working out, I’m likely to stare at a screen.”

While a third made this interesting observation: “Regarding sleep duration, I wonder.”

Although screens are pretty much unavoidable at this point, maybe we should all try to use them a little less as much as possible.

Topics: News, World News, Technology, Phones, Mental Health, Health