
Smart Cycling course offered

Smart Cycling course offered

 Smart Cycling course offered

The park district is rolling out a new program to help cyclists ride more easily.

Registration is open for Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District’s Smart Cycling course, which includes hands-on instruction from league-certified instructor Nick Esser. The course promotes bicycle safety and teaches participants essential skills for a confident and safe cycling experience.

Smart Cycling will cover the ABCs of cycling, including the importance of wearing a helmet, bike handling skills and how to avoid hazards. The comprehensive course is designed to empower cyclists of all levels, from beginners to experienced cyclists, giving them the tools and confidence to navigate the roads safely. (Note: This course is not intended to teach new cyclists how to ride a bike.)

The Smart Cycling class will be held from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 18 at 4201 Guardian St. in Simi Valley. Pre-registration for the class is required and a $5 supply fee will be collected at the door.

RSRPD is pleased to support safe and responsible cycling by providing this educational opportunity to the community, the district said in a statement.

For more information and to register, visit, call (805) 584-4400 or email [email protected].