
Ohio USPS worker caught racing Mustang over 100 mph into mail van

Ohio USPS worker caught racing Mustang over 100 mph into mail van

US News

Fast & Furious: express shipping.

A United States Postal Service employee is accused of driving more than 100 mph in her work van while drag racing a Mustang sports car on an Ohio road on last month, according to newly released body camera footage.

The footage shows a Sandusky County police officer approaching the USPS van after the driver, Drew Brown, 28, was caught crossing a 60 mph zone on April 21, according to 13 ABC.

“Is there a reason you’re over 100?” » the baffled MP asks Brown.

Drew Brown, 28, was caught speeding through a 60 mph zone at over 100 mph in her USPS work van on April 21. 13ABC

“I didn’t realize I was going that fast,” she said nonchalantly to the policeman.

“Yeah. I mean, this Mustang took off. It caught my eye, and then you walked past it, and I was pacing back and forth at you at about 105,” the officer responds.

The deputy then asks her why she “took off” so quickly.

“I mean, I shouldn’t have,” Brown said.

The USPS employee denied knowing the driver behind the wheel of the Mustang while the officer criticized Brown for “driving and acting ridiculous on I-90.”

The USPS said it was investigating the matter internally. 13ABC

The deputy then told Brown that he was in front of them when they both appeared to take off at a red light.

“When I saw him take off, I said, ‘You have my attention.’ And then you walked by, I was like, ‘Oh, you’re kidding me,'” he told Brown.

The officer told Brown that the driver of the Mustang saw him coming from behind, did the right thing and started to slow down, but the worker continued to speed up.

The driver was arrested about five miles northwest of Fremont.

Court records show the USPS van had no plates when Brown drove it at a high rate of speed and appeared to be piloting the Mustang, according to the outlet.

The case against Brown in the Ohio court system has been concluded. 13ABC

Brown was able to drop the case, and it is now closed, records show.

However, she had to pay a $50 fine for a traffic violation and received a verbal warning for racing.

Spokeswoman Naddia Dhalai confirmed that Brown was a USPS employee and that the matter was being handled internally.

“This is under investigation and, as a matter of policy, we are unable to comment further on any specific personnel matter,” Dhalai said in a statement provided to the outlet.

Generally, people convicted of street racing in Ohio can expect to be hit with a first-degree misdemeanor for a first offense, according to state law.

If guilty, the driver faces a maximum sentence of six months in prison and a fine of $1,000.

In addition, the vehicle used for the race may be seized and the driver’s license may be suspended for a period of 30 days to three years.

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